Displaying and Printing Supplied Images and Texts
Displaying Images and Texts

Core Maps
The majority of the lesson plans call for displaying a large, color version of the core map; many ask the same for supplemental images. Large colored versions prepared for use with Macromedia Flash software are available from each module index page by clicking on either the small image of the core map or the words "core map" below the image. The core map may also be openedfrom a link provided at the top of each lesson plan. Many of the modules include supplemental images that are required for one or more of the lesson plans in the module. In many instances, these supplemental images can be accessed directly from the core map by clicking on the "View Menu" button on the core map. Supplemental images can also be accessed from each module's Resources page.

Macromedia Flash technology allows user to pan around and zoom in and out of images displayed on the screen. To zoom in and out of an image, click on the right mouse button to display the Flash menu (not the same as the Core Map menu). Use the left mouse button to select "zoom in" or "zoom out." Legibility will vary from map to map; some maps will loose optimal legibility after you zoom in three times. To pan (move the image from side to side or up and down), you must zoom into the map at least once, at which time a hand symbol will appear on the map. Use the hand to adjust what section of the core map image appears on your screen. For example, if you are viewing the top of a map and would like to see the bottom, place the hand symbol at the bottom of the image, click the left mouse button (PC users only), and continue to hold down the mouse button while dragging the hand symbol toward the top of the screen. Let go of the mouse button when the part of the map that you want to see appears.

This site does not employ the play, loop, forward, rewind, or back functions that are visible on the Flash menu.

Supplemental Images
In most instances, only the core maps utilize Macromedia Flash technology. It is not possible to pan on zoom on most images designated as "Supplemental." We have supplied most supplemental images in either JPEG or PDF format, depending on the intended use of the image. The size of some supplemental images may require you to use the scroll bars on the bottom and/or right hand side of the image to view the entire image or caption (when available).


Core Maps
All Core Maps are supplied in both Flash and PDF format. The Flash format is best used for on-screen viewing. To print a core map, use the PDF version. Links to the PDF version are designated as the "Printable version of the core map" and can be found immediately following the map citation at the top of every lesson plan. These are large files and may take up to a full minute to open. To open a PDF file, you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software can be downloaded for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.

To ensure that users can print the printable version of the core maps in their entirety, we have sized them so that they fit onto an 8 ½ x 11 sheet. Some activities may require you to make enlarged photocopies so that your students can make out specific details. In most cases, enlarging from 8 ½ x 11 to 11 x 17 will suffice; you may desire to make a larger copy by having the map cover two large sheets and joining them together.

Supplemental Images and Texts
We have supplied supplemental images in either JPEG or PDF format, depending on the intended use of the image. Images supplied as JPEGs will be printed according to your printer settings (page size, color or black and white, landscape or portrait). Images and Texts supplied as PDFs are best used as printouts rather than on-screen displays. The PDFs are designed to print on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet in portrait view. To open a PDF file, you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software can be downloaded for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.

Exporting Images
For guidance on the duplication and use of images and texts supplied on this site please consult our Fair Use Policy.

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