Stamps and devices in the French Revolution Collection

As part of the terms of our “rapid cataloging” project for the French Revolution Collection, we catalogers do not typically describe ornamentation on the pamphlets. Title vignettes as well as head- and tail-pieces tend to go unmentioned, in part because they occur frequently on French publications from this time period. However, I have seen several instances of stamps or unusual printed devices that I thought worth tracking in the catalog.

Case FRC 12299

Stamp description: Trefoil with crown and scepter.
Case FRC 12299 “Rapport fait par Jean-Alban Lefiot, député du département de la Nièvre, d’une mission qu’il a commencé à remplir…”

This stamp appears at the end of the pamphlet text, and is consistent with the content, which focuses on counterrevolutionaries among the French government employees. It uses iconography that is readily attributed to the two social classes of the Ancien Régime attacked by the Revolution: the trefoil for the clergy and the scepter and crown to represent royalists.

Case FRC 13411

Case FRC 14585

Case FRC 15495

Stamp description: Reclining woman holding a caduceus, “45 cent.”
Case FRC 13411 “Hÿmne à J.J. Rousseau,” Case FRC 14585 “Le mouvement français,” and Case FRC 15495 “Hymne en mémoire des succès de la République.”

This stamp appears on three different pamphlets, each in differing levels of legibility. Since the stamp includes a reference to a price (45 cent[imes]) and all three pamphlets were issued from the same publisher/bookseller (or music seller in this case), this stamp appears to be a price stamp, perhaps from the time of issue. The main figure is a reclining woman bearing a caduceus. Based on typical iconography, this could be a representation of the goddess Iris, who served as a divine messenger among other things, though this would be a fairly grand way of heralding an item’s cost. Below, I include a processed version that layers the stamp images to reconstruct a clearer view.

Processed reconstruction of Case FRC 13411 and Case FRC 14585

Stamp description: Republican Colossus.
Case FRC 14181 “Discours prononcé par P.C.L. Boudin, député par le département des Ardennes…” (published in Paris) and Case FRC 14188 (the same title, published in Nîmes)

Case FRC 14181

Case FRC 14188

You are perhaps familiar with the modern French government’s use of “Marianne” as a national symbol. A similar female figure representing Liberty was also used during the early stages of the French Revolution, but during the radical-leaning Reign of Terror (1793-1794), members of the French government wanted a more powerful image. Lynn Hunt’s 1983 article, “Hercules and the Radical Image in the French Revolution” gives a lengthy history about the revolutionary French government’s selection of a representative figure during the Terror. Artist Jacques-Louis David was in charge of designing the figure, and he settled on a colossal Hercules to be used as an image for the government’s seal and also as a large piece of public sculpture. Hunt indicates in her article that she had not found an extant example of the seal having been cast. I think our pamphlets might contain examples of that very seal, which closely resemble Augustin Dupré’s sketch for the engraving that appears in Hunt’s article. Our examples of the device include a Hercules figure (carrying his characteristic club) who holds two smaller figures in his hand. Hunt describes these two figures as being miniature versions of Equality (holding a balance) and Liberty (with a Phrygian cap).

Copyright law, contract disputes, and just a little bit of public intoxication

The Collection of publishers’ prospectuses, catalogs, and other materials contains many different types of source material for the study of 18th-century publishing history in France, from book prospectuses and booksellers’ catalogs to laws and legal opinions related to the activities of the book trade.  The third series of this collection is comprised of 25 lawsuits and legal opinions involving publishers, booksellers, and others involved in the French book trade.

Most of the documents address copyright disputes between publishers or booksellers.  In Mémoire pour le sieur Pillot, libraire juré de l’Université de Paris, contre le sieur Le Boucher, aussi libraire en la même université (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 24), for example, bookseller Jean-Pierre Pillot brings a lawsuit against his brother-in-law Louis Le Boucher after their joint bookselling arrangement dissolved, alleging that Le Boucher took over the copyright of materials which rightly belong to Pillot.

Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 13

Devillelles and Balze bring a similar suit against printer Jean-Joseph Niel on behalf of their client Joachim Leblanc in Question a décider pour le sieur Joachim Leblanc, contre le sieur Jean-Joseph Niel, son imprimeur (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 13) regarding a contract dispute over the publication of the Courrier of Avignon.  Typical in this series are lawsuits between publishers or booksellers in which one party alleges that the other has published a pirated edition of a book to which the former holds the exclusive copyright.  Premier mémoire et consultations pour le citoyen Leroy, imprimeur-libraire à Lyon, propriétaire d’une édition du Cours d’agriculture, par Rozier (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 16) and Question de propriété littéraire (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 12) illustrate one such example, in which booksellers Antoine Jeudy Du Gour of Paris and Amable and Michel Le Roy of Lyon dispute who has the right to publish the abbot François Rozier’s Cours complet d’agriculture, théorique, pratique, économique, et de médecine rurale et vétérinaire.

One particularly infamous copyright trial of the early 19th century was the “affaire du Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise,” in which publisher Bossange, Masson et Besson accused booksellers Nicolas Moutardier and François-Augustin Leclère of pirating the fifth edition of the Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, to which the plaintiff held the copyright.  Bossange, Masson et Besson provide evidence of the defendants’ crime of contrefaçon in Réponse au mémoire des cens. Moutardier et Leclere, contrefacteurs de l’édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, acquise de la Convention par les libraires Smits et compagnie, contre les libraires Bossange, Masson et Besson, acquéreurs de la susdite édition (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 22).

Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 8

Delafleutrie debates in Discours prononcé par le citoyen Delafleutrie, substitut du commissaire du gouvernement près le Tribunal criminel, à l’audience du 15 frimaire, dans l’affaire du Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 8) and Second discours prononcé par le cen. Delafleutrie, substitut du commissaire du gouvernement près le Tribunal criminel, à l’audience du 24 frimaire, dans l’affaire du Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 9) whether the French government actually holds the copyright for the dictionary, considering that the Académie française works in service of the government.  Finally, legal scholar Emmanuel Brosselard offers his opinion of the trial in Observations sur le jugement du Tribunal criminel du département de la Seine, dans l’affaire du Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 4), agreeing with the judgment of the Tribunal criminel of the Seine department that Moutardier and Leclère are guilty of copyright infringement.

Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 17

In addition to such disputes between publishers or booksellers are contract disputes between authors and publishers.  One such notable example is Mémoire pour le sr Augustin-Martin Lottin, l’aîné, libraire & imprimeur de M. le duc de Berry, intervenant & demandeur, contre M. l’evêque de Noyon, le chapitre de Noyon, & le sr Cuquigny, chanoine, défendeurs (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 17).  Bookseller Augustin-Martin Lottin seeks damages from the bishop and other religious officials of Noyon for the loss of income he sustained from the suspension of the printing of a new Breviary for Noyon.

More intriguing is a 1764 legal dispute between engraver and type founder Pierre François Loiseau and printer Christophe Ballard, outlined in Mémoire pour le sieur Loyseau, graveur & fondeur de caractères d’imprimerie, contre le sieur Ballard, imprimeur du roi, & noteur de la chapelle de Sa Majesté (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 18).  A frustrated Loiseau is incensed that Ballard, who has a long standing, royally sanctioned patent on musical type characters, has accused the former of copying the latter’s characters.  Loiseau includes in his defense a rather tartly worded affidavit signed by several masters of music in praise of Loiseau’s superior music printing, stating, “la musique dudit sr Loyseau imitant parfaitement les plus beaux manuscrits de musique, & étant aussi belle que celle gravée au burin, dont jusquà present nous avons été obligés de nous servir, le public s’étant dégouté depuis longtems de la musique du sieur Ballard, & nous pensons que la musique dudit sieur Loyseau doit d’autant plus mériter la protection des magistrats” (p. 4).

Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 23

Last is a legal document covering a topic that is considerably less dry than those dealing with 18th-century copyright law: public intoxication.  While this document has nothing to do with publishing, printing, or any other aspect of the book trade, it places a master bookbinder in a starring role.   Sentence rendue en la Chambre criminelle du Châtelet de Paris, qui condamne Guillaume Maillet, maître relieur, à être blâmé, pour, étant ivre, avoir troublé par des grimaces et gestes indécens l’office divin, le jour de Pâques, dans l’église paroissiale de Saint Hilaire, avoir usé de violence envers le suisse de ladite paroisse, qui vouloit le faire sortir, avoir renversé ledit suisse & lui avoir occasioné la fracture de la rotule, de laquelle fracture ledit suisse restera estropié (Case Wing Z 45 .18 ser. 3 no. 23) fines master bookbinder Guillaume Maillet 600 livres in damages to doorman Claude Dunan, who sustained a fractured patella as he tried to eject a drunk and brawling Maillet from Easter Mass at the parish church of Saint Hilaire.  Apparently, his hand skills extended beyond the bookbinder’s bench.

Ancient catalogue records

It should (hopefully) come as no surprise that the majority of the catalog records that already exist for these pamphlets are old. Very old. Most of them predate anything like modern cataloging standards. This means that, while ostensibly we may be taking older records from other institutions, proofreading them, and then adding any local notes as necessary, the actual day-to-day work is more like completely tearing down old records and rebuilding them from scratch.

In addition to the obsolete standards being used, there is another, technology-driven problem with the extant records. Most of these pre-AACR2 records were created as part of retrospective conversion projects or converted from the UNIMARC or UKMARC formats, meaning that, frequently, information is garbled, incomplete, or missing. This problem is similar to the metadata issues associated with other large-scale projects, and helps to demonstrate the value of human-driven cataloging and metadata creation over automated metadata harvesting.  Retrospective conversion projects face technical limitations that can result in confusing records, but cataloging librarians rarely have the time (or funding) to go back and fix these records. Awards like those provided by CLIR represent one of the primary ways in which libraries can go back and improve on these records.

Generally, because of the technical limitations of retrospective conversion projects, records are generated without any subject headings. For those rare few pamphlets that do have subject headings, the batch-addition of these records frequently results in garbled, combined, or just plain bizarre subject headings. This results in records for pamphlets about, say, trial by jury with subject headings for the animal rights movement, or records where all of the subject headings end up being combined into one field.

All of these issues end up greatly increasing the amount of time required to catalog these pamphlets. Of course, the extra work we do in cleaning up and modernizing these records ends up creating added value for everybody. Hopefully, the work we do here will end up saving everybody’s time – from researchers, who will now be able to find the correct pamphlets, to future catalogers, who will not have to spend (as much) time completely reconstructing poor quality records.

Thomas Paine and the trial of Louis XVI

While many Americans are familiar with Thomas Paine as the author of the 1776 political pamphlet Common Sense and as a Founding Father of the United States of America, fewer are familiar with Paine’s French political career.  In gratitude of his ardent support of the French Revolution, the revolutionary government of France granted him honorary French citizenship.  Despite the fact that he could not speak French, Paine was elected as a deputy to the Convention nationale in 1792.

Case Wing DC137.08 .F73 v. 14 no. 3

During the Convention sessions before, during, and, immediately after the trial of Louis XVI, Thomas Paine, like his fellow deputies, published his opinions on whether and how the king should be tried and what punishment the king should receive.  In Opinion de Thomas Payne, député du département de la Somme, concernant le jugement de Louis XVI (Case Wing DC137.08 .F73 v. 14 no. 3), a French translation of his On the propriety of bringing Louis XVI to trial, Paine makes clear his pro-democracy stance.  Louis XVI should receive a fair and unbiased trial, and if he is found guilty, the citizens of France should decide whether or not he should be punished: Je pense qu’il faut faire le procès à Louis XVI, non que cet avis me soit suggéré par un esprit de vengeance … mais parce que cette mesure me semble juste, légitime & conforme à la saine politique.  Si Louis est innocent, mettons-le à portée de prouver son innocence; s’il est coupable, que la volonté nationale determine si l’on doit lui faire grace, ou le punir (p. [5]).  A staunch antimonarchist, Paine disregarded the notion that Louis XVI’s status as a sovereign monarch granted him inviolability and argued that Louis should be subject to the same laws to which all French citizens were subject.

After the Convention nationale found Louis XVI guilty of high treason in December 1792, its deputies next deliberated over how to punish the king and whether the citizens of France should vote directly on this issue.  Two possible forms of punishment emerged from the deliberations: execution or exile.

Case Wing DC137.08 .F73 v. 14 no. 4

Thomas Paine’s Opinion de Thomas Payne, sur l’affaire de Louis Capet (Case Wing DC137.08 .F73 v. 14 no. 4), a French translation of his Reasons for wishing to preserve the life of Louis Capet, argues against the king’s execution for many reasons.  If Louis were executed, Paine argues, there would be nothing to prevent the king’s brothers, Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, comte de Provence (later King Louis XVIII), and Charles, comte d’Artois (later King Charles X), from ascending the throne, thus perpetuating the system of monarchy in France.  He also opposed capital punishment as a vestige of the corruption of monarchy and preferred exile as a way for France to “purger son territoire de rois, sans le souiller de leur sang impur” (p. 6.).  According to Paine, the United States would be an ideal location for Louis XVI’s exile, during which Louis would learn that democracy is the true system of government: Là, désormais, à l’abri des misères & des crimes de la vie royale, il apprendra, par l’aspect continuel de la prospérité publique, que le véritable systême de gouvernement, ce n’est pas les rois, mais la representation (p. 6).

Antonio Salieri correspondence regarding the opera “La princesse de Babylone”

Case FRC 22112

Generally speaking, the librettos that I have encountered in the French Revolution Collection (FRC) only indicate the librettist, not the composer of the musical score.  I was delighted then when I came across a pamphlet (Case FRC 22112) containing the libretto for La princesse de Babylone, that indicated the composer –   “M. Saliéri, premier maître de chapelle de la Cour de Vienne.” The libretto itself, an adaptation of Voltaire‘s work of the same title, is attributed to “M. Martin, député du commerce près l’Assemblée nationale, membre du Club des amis de la constitution et chef de la Société académique des Enfans d’Apollon, pour 1791.” Also included in the pamphlet is a series of letters, and excerpts from letters, (p. 73-96) between Marie-Joseph-Désiré Martin and Antonio Salieri discussing the libretto and effect of the French Revolution on the operatic scene in Paris.

Case FRC 22112

My research into where La princesse de Babylon fit into Antonio Salieri’s operatic output raised several questions that require closer reading of the correspondence and further research on Salieri’s relationship with Paris during the early part of the Revolution.   Salieri first came to Paris in the early 1780’s to take over an operatic commission for Christoph Willibald Gluck.  Throughout the same decade Salieri composed several other operas for Paris but is thought to have been “cut off from Paris” during the Revolution.   La princesse de Babylone is not included in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians works list for Salieri.  His later work, Palmira regina di Persi (1794) with the libretto by Giovanni de Gamerra, another adaptation of Voltaire’s original work, is included.  A glance through the correspondence between Salieri and Martin indicates Salieri’s interest in Martin’s libretto and that the musical score for the first act was completed by August 1789.  It would be interesting to examine any extant primary sources for the two operatic scores to see if the music from the French opera was reused or adapted for the later Italian libretto. 

New Project Cataloging Assistant hired!

We are pleased to announce that Anna Gutierrez has begun her new position this week as our newest Project Cataloging Assistant.  Welcome, Anna!

On switching between projects

At this point, one of the biggest difficulties for me when it comes to the actual process of cataloging is keeping different practices and interpretations for different projects distinct.  Some of the different practices between projects have no impact whatsoever (such as the different call number system – not having to assign a Library of Congress Classification to each pamphlet has no impact on working on other projects that do use LCC) while others result in lots of revisions.

The main difficulty I’ve come across when switching between the pamphlets and whatever other project I have been given relates to how much is being directly transcribed from the item at hand. It’s no secret amongst librarians (and now, whoever ends up reading this blog) that the current cataloging standards are characterized by extensive abbreviations. This is an artifact of the card-catalog days, when everything in the record had to fit on the itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny catalog cards. The “official” standards advocate for omission or abbreviation of lots of information (such as most post-nominals in statements of responsibility, et cetera). For most of the projects I work on, that’s pretty much the standard procedure.

Because of some of the peculiarities around cataloging the pamphlets, it is frequently not so difficult to omit or abbreviate information.  For the most part, very little in-depth cataloging has been done on pamphlets from this period (excepting the current project, of course), which means that forms of names are not well-established, and thus, there is little to no authority control, except for the most famous revolutionary figures. This problem is compounded by the large number of pamphlets, especially those with provincial imprints, who assume the reader’s familiarity with the author and simply give an undifferentiated (or very vaguely differentiated) family name for the author – in this case, we end up reaching a little bit to prevent conflicts with established headings or with other pamphlets in the collection. It also becomes necessary to include or expand information that would be otherwise omitted or abbreviated to distinguish between multiple variants of a single pamphlet.  A common example is  two versions of the same pamphlet (or occasionally more) pamphlets where the only distinction is the post-nominal description of the author: Duparc, représentant du peuple  or Duparc, député du département de Paris. Under current cataloging standards, this statement would generally be abbreviated to just Duparc.  Another example is with dates: current practice is to convert dates in roman numerals to Arabic, but frequently it is necessary for catalogers to transcribe the roman numerals to help differentiate between pamphlets.

In extreme cases, the only easily discernible difference between pamphlets may be the presence or absence of certain diacritical marks or a printer’s address. In these cases, depending on other factors, it may not be necessary to distinguish between the pamphlets and copy-specific notes placed in the holdings records. Thankfully, AACR2 allows for these exceptions to normal practice, but because of the paucity of data already available on these pamphlets and the high likelihood of conflicts, the pamphlet project guidelines assume that exact transcription is necessary. When switching to projects with more well defined, less ephemeral materials, getting out of the habit of transcribing as much as possible (and vice versa) frequently ends up complicating matters.

The other common issue when switching between projects is related to how the record is treated after the initial cataloging is finished.  Of the four projects I have worked on (three currently in progress, one finished and ended up being the focus of a colloquium on August 17), each one has come with different guidelines on which fields are or are not moved once the record is actually in the catalog. Because different projects get different project-specific notes (which, it must be said, is largely an automated process), these notes end up getting treated differently once the record is actually produced and in the catalog.

Putting women’s rights on (the) line

When a French revolutionary pamphlet crops up in the news, we take notice.

Just days ago, the British Library announced that it is partnering with Google to digitize 250,000 eighteenth- and nineteenth-century books.  Among the few titles they singled out for mention is a signal work on women’s rights, Olympe de GougesLes droits de la femme of 1791.  Happily, though not surprisingly, this notable pamphlet can also be found here at the Newberry in the French Revolution Collection (FRC) (Case FRC 19262) where it is among 25 works by Gouges that were cataloged last spring.

The digitization project is good news; in creating our catalog records, we include links to free online versions when they are available.  Google Books comes up frequently and will be a familiar resource to most users.  Less well-known, perhaps, but vital to our project are other electronic libraries such as Gallica bibliothèque numérique (of the Biblioteque nationale de France), the HathiTrust Digital Library, and the Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum Digitale Bibliothek, just to name a few.

But what of that extraordinary feminist pamphlet?

In Les droits de la femme, Olympe de Gouges places women’s inequality squarely in the framework of France’s struggles, linking the fortunes of women with that of the revolutionary project itself.  At its core is the Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne, a point-by-point feminist response to the landmark Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, which conspicuously omits women from its scheme of universal equality.  Following the declaration is a lengthy postlude that proposes a new form of marriage contract, one that makes provisions for divorce and the equal distribution of property among husband, wife, and children (legitimate or not), among other things.

De Gouges was an outspoken human rights activist, essayist, and playwright.  She dedicated this work to Marie Antoinette, who she urges to take up the cause of women’s equality, suggesting that by doing so she might yet salvage her tarnished legacy.  While praising the queen, de Gouges also takes her to task in no uncertain terms for her involvement with émigré counterrevolutionaries and foreign powers.

The pugnacious and radical text ends with a jubilant post-script.  De Gouges stopped the presses to add a note expressing her pure joy at the news that the king had accepted the Assemblée nationale’s constitution.  Her elation and her hope for the future are palpable, though marked with caution: “Providence divine, fais que cette joie publique ne soit pas une fausse illusion!”  The joy was to be short-lived.  Aligned with the Girondins, she was imprisoned in the summer of 1793 as the Jacobins swept into power.  Two weeks after the queen’s execution, de Gouges, too, was sent to the guillotine, her fate echoing Article X of her Déclaration: “La femme a le droit de monter sur l’échafaud; elle doit avoir également celui de monter à la Tribune” (Woman has the right to mount the scaffold; she has the same right to mount the rostrum).

Cataloging template for FRC

Because the pamphlets that comprise the French Revolution Collection (FRC) share many characteristics, particularly the location and format of important bibliographic information (i.e. title, author, and publication information), we have made ample use of cataloging templates.  During the training process and beyond, Project Cataloging Assistants refer often to the FRC sample record on our project wiki (and copied below) to guide them as they create MARC catalog records for the pamphlets in this collection.

FRC Sample Record

Fixed fields

ELvl: I



040 |b fre (dan, dut, ger, swe, etc.)

  • Parallel record must be derived for foreign-language records; include 936 (below)

040 |b eng

  • Parallel record need not be derived as this is an English language record

041 *# [language codes if additional codes to fixed field needed; * 1st indicator and subfields vary, see bibformats]

043 ## [e-fr— and/or other geographic area code]

099 ## FRC |a [NUMBER ]

049 ## [Case]IBVC |l bklr

  • Includes brackets around case (i.e. not supplied information)



245: Transcribe elements as found on source; do not transpose elements.

260: Transcribe publisher location and name, including addresses; transcribe date information as given.

  • 260 ## A Paris : |b De l’Imprimerie de n’importe qui, 123 Place de n’importe ou, |c l’an troisième de la liberté [1791]



1.  Nature, scope, or artistic form [500]

500  Adaptation of Calderón de la Barca’s Alcalde de Zalamea.

500  Advertisement for a baguette.

2.  Language [546]

    • 546  French and Latin.

3.  Source of Title Proper [500]

    • 500  Caption title.
    • 500  Cover title.

4.  Other Title Information [500]

    • 500  At head of title: [etc.]

5.  Statements of Responsibility [500]

    • 500  Signed, p. 5: [etc.]
    • 500  Attributed to Jacques Martin. Cf. Martin & Walter.

6.  Publication, Distribution, Etc. [500]

    • 500  Imprint from colophon.
    • 500  “24 messidor an II”—Session date from Martin & Walter.

7.  Physical Description [500]

    • 500  “Eccliastique E.”–Bottom of p. 17.
    • 500  Error in pagination: [etc.]
    • 500  Title vignette of house; a variant edition exists with title vignette of tree and different head-piece.

8.  Accompanying Material [500]

    • 500  Includes 2 tables on 1 folded sheet.

9.  Reference to Published Descriptions [510, 500]

    • 510 4# Martin & Walter.  Révolution française, |c II, 1234 (no full stop at end)
    • 500  Not in Martin & Walter.  Révolution française.
    • 500  Variant of Martin & Walter.  Révolution française, II, 1234.
    • If OCLC record already has 510s for other bibliographies, trust the information and keep the citation.  If something looks clearly incorrect or incomplete, then delete; if you’re not sure, keep it.

10.  Other format available

    • 530  Available online via Gallica bibliothèque numérique.
    • Use with 856 for links to electronic format (see below)

11.  Summary [520]

    • 520  Letter asking for better organization of the Garde nationale.

12.  Contents [500, 504]

    • 500  “Copie de la réponse des officiers du neuvième régiment de dragons, à Borie-Cambort”–P. 6-12.
    • 500  “Copie de la réponse des officiers du neuvième régiment de dragons, à Borie-Cambort … Signé: Pierre Cardin”–P. 6-12.
    • 500  “Copie de la réponse des officiers du neuvième régiment de dragons, à Borie-Cambort”–P. 6-12; signed, p. [12]: Pierre Cardin.
    • 500  Errata, p. [x].
    • 504  Includes bibliographical references [and index].
    • 500  Includes index.

13.  Copy Being Described [561, 563 (rare for this collection)]

    • 561  Owner’s signature: Nicolas Sarkozy. |5 ICN
    • 561  Stamp: La bibliothèque des Augustins, Paris. |5 ICN
    • 563  [Binding note]
    • 561s and 563s should be cut/pasted from the bib record to the MFHD when doing 2nd day checks.  Remove |5 ICN from field(s) after pasting into MFHD.


655 #7 Pamphlets |z [COUNTRY] |z [CITY] |y [YEAR]. |2 aat


Trace other contributors to work, publishers, and added entries from item-specific notes:

710 1# Corps législatif. Conseil des anciens.

710 2# Imprimerie nationale (France), |e publisher.

700 1# Sarkozy, Nicolas, |d 1955-, |e former owner. |5 ICN

710 2# Bibliothèque des Augustins (Paris), |e former owner. |5 ICN


852 8# |b sc,frc |k Case |h FRC |i [NUMBER] |t 1

  • Copy specific notes like a torn page are added to 852 |z.  Not every 852 will need |z–rare, probably.
    • 852 8# |b sc,frc |k Case |h FRC |i [NUMBER] |t 1 |z Imperfect: p. 5-6 torn with text missing
    • 852 8# |b sc,frc |k Case |h FRC |i [NUMBER] |t 1 |z Laid-in: folded sheet with ms. notes

856 41 |u [URL] |z Full text

    • Use in conjunction with 530 (above) for links to electronic versions

866 #0 |8 0 |a [for a multi-part item, the range of parts held]

  • E.g., a 3 v. piece for which we have all volumes: |a v.1-v.3 (note no spaces)
  • Abbreviation of the parts is based on the language of the materials, and how listed on the pieces
    • t.1-t.3 (tome)
    • ptie.1-ptie.3 (partie)
    • no.1-no.3 (numéro)


910 ## [catalogers initials]

936 ## PR [OCLC number of parallel record]

Full-time Project Cataloging Assistant position posted

We posted the job description for a new full-time Project Cataloging Assistant position.