New Hampshire and Vermont: Bibliography and Sources

Vermont Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor; Gordon DenBoer, with George E. Goodridge, Jr., Historical Compilers; Douglas Knox, Book Digitizing Director; Emily Kelley, Research Associate; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist and Digital Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant

Copyright The Newberry Library 2007

Adams, James Truslow. Founding of New England. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1921.

Andrews, Charles M. Colonial Period of American History. 4 vols. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1934–1938.

Barnes, Viola Florence. Dominion of New England: A Study of British Colonial Policy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1923.

Baxter, James Phinney, ed. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Province of Maine. 3 vols. Boston, 1890.

Beers, F. W. Atlas of Addison County, Vermont. New York, 1871. Reprint. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1971.

Beers, F. W. Atlas of Rutland County, Vermont. New York, 1869. Reprint. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1969.

Beers, F. W. Atlas of Washington County, Vermont. New York, 1873. Reprint. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1971.

Cappon, Lester J., Barbara Bartz Petchenik, and John Hamilton Long, eds. Atlas of Early American History: The Revolutionary Era, 1760–1790. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. Section on boundaries is thoroughly documented.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Addison County, Vt., for 1881–1882. Syracuse, N.Y., 1882.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Bennington County, Vt., for 1880–1881. Syracuse, N.Y., 1880.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County, Vermont, for 1882–1883. Syracuse, N.Y., 1882.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Vt., for 1882–1883. Syracuse, N.Y., 1883.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883–1884. Syracuse, N.Y., 1883.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Rutland County, Vt., for 1881–1882. Syracuse, N.Y., 1881.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Windham County, Vt., for 1724–1884. Syracuse, N.Y., 1884.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Windsor County, Vt., for 1883–1884. Syracuse, N.Y., 1884.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer of Caledonia and Essex Counties, Vt., 1764–1887. Syracuse, N.Y., 1887.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N.H., 1736–1885. Syracuse, N.Y., 1885.

Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer of Washington County, Vt., 1783–1889. Edited by William Adams. Syracuse, N.Y., 1889.

Clark, Charles E. Eastern Frontier: The Settlement of Northern New England, 1610–1763. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970.

Cobb, David A. New Hampshire Maps to 1900: An Annotated Checklist. Hanover, N.H.: New Hampshire Historical Society, 1981.

“Controversy between New York and New Hampshire, Respecting the Territory Now the State of Vermont.” In Documentary History of the State of New York, compiled by E. B. O’Callaghan, vol. 4. Albany, 1851.

Craven, Wesley Frank. Colonies in Transition, 1660–1713. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.

Crockett, Walter Hill. Vermont, the Green Mountain State. 5 vols. New York: Century History Co., 1921–1923.

Daniell, Jere R. Colonial New Hampshire: A History. Millwood, N.Y.: KTO Press, 1981.

Dean, John Ward, ed. Captain John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire. Boston, 1887.

DenBoer, Gordon, with George E. Goodridge, Jr. Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: New Hampshire, Vermont. Edited by John H. Long. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. 33 counties, 216 pages, 242 maps.

Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Title varies. Vols. 1–11 edited by E. B. O'Callaghan; vols. 12–15 edited by B. Fernow. Albany, 1853–1887. Cited as Docs. of N.Y.

Dubester, Henry J. State Censuses: An Annotated Bibliography of Censuses of Population Taken after the Year 1790 by States and Territories of the United States. 1948. Reprint. New York: Burt Franklin, 1969. The standard guide for its subject.

Durel, John W. “Dividing the Province of New Hampshire into Counties.” Historical New Hampshire 32 (1977): 28–42.

Eno, Joel N. “Expansion of Vermont—Chronological—Based on Official Records.” Americana 25 (1931): 534–549.

Eno, Joel N. “Founding of Vermont: The Controversy Over the New Hampshire Grant.” Americana 12 (1918): 147–183.

Farmer, John, and Jacob Moore. Gazetteer of the State of New-Hampshire. Concord, 1823.

Farnham, Mary Frances, comp. Farnham Papers, [1603–1688]. Vols. 7 and 8 of Documentary History of the State of Maine. Collections of the Maine Historical Society, 2d ser. Portland, 1901–1902. These documents are concerned chiefly with territorial changes.

Farrow, Steven S. “Vermont Place-Name Changes: Counties, Towns, Gores and the Evolving Map of the State.” Master’s thesis, University of Vermont, 1985.

Flick, Alexander C., ed. History of the State of New York. 10 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1933–1937.

Fogg, Alonzo J., comp. Statistics and Gazetteer of New-Hampshire. Concord, 1874.

Fox, Dixon Ryan. Yankees and Yorkers. New York: New York University Press, 1940.

George, Staughton, Benjamin M. Nead, and Thomas McCamant, eds. Charter to William Penn, and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania Passed between the Years 1682 and 1700, Preceded by Duke of York’s Laws in Force from the Year 1676 to the Year 1682, with an Appendix Containing Laws Relating to the Organization of the Provincial Courts and Historical Matter. Harrisburg, 1879.

Graffagnino, J. Kevin. Shaping of Vermont: From the Wilderness to the Centennial, 1749–1877. Rutland and Bennington, Vt.: Vermont Heritage Press and Bennington Museum, 1983. Accompanied by an excellent portfolio of map reproductions.

Hall, Hiland. History of Vermont, from Its Discovery to Its Admission into the Union in 1791. Albany, 1868.

Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. Commonwealth History of Massachusetts, Colony, Province, and State. 5 vols. New York: States History Co., 1927–1930.

Hayes, Lyman S. “History of Cumberland County.” In Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society for the Years 1923, 1924 and 1925, pp. 198–219. Before 1930 volumes in this series were identified only by year; series and volume numbers were not used.

Hayward, John. Gazetteer of Vermont. Boston, 1849.

Hill, Ralph Nading. Yankee Kingdom: Vermont and New Hampshire. New York: Harper and Row, 1960.

Historical Records Survey, New Hampshire. Belknap County. Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire, no. 1. Manchester: New Hampshire Historical Records Survey, 1938.

Historical Records Survey, New Hampshire. Carroll County (Ossipee). Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire, no. 2. Manchester: New Hampshire Historical Records Survey, 1939.

Historical Records Survey, New Hampshire. Cheshire County. Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire, no. 3. Manchester: New Hampshire Historical Records Survey, 1939.

Historical Records Survey, New Hampshire. Coos County. Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire, no. 4. Manchester: New Hampshire Historical Records Survey, 1940.

Historical Records Survey, New Hampshire. Grafton County. Inventory of the County Archives of New Hampshire, no. 5. Manchester: New Hampshire Historical Records Survey, 1940.

“Historical Sketch of the Northern Boundary of New-Hampshire.” Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society 2 (1827): 267–290.

Hunt, Elmer Munson. New Hampshire Town Names, and Whence They Came. Peterborough, N.H.: William L. Bauhan, 1970.

Hurd, D. Hamilton, ed. History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia, 1886.

Hurd, D. Hamilton, ed. History of Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Philadelphia, 1885.

Hutchinson, Thomas. History of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts-Bay. Edited by Lawrence Shaw Mayo. 3 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1936.

International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada. Joint Report upon the Survey and Demarcation of the Boundary between the United States and Canada from the Source of the St. Croix River to the St. Lawrence River. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1925.

Jackson, Charles T. Views and Map, Illustrative of the Scenery and Geology of the State of New Hampshire. Boston, 1845.

Jones, Matt Bushnell. Vermont in the Making, 1750–1777. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1939.

Kane, Joseph Nathan. American Counties: Origins of Names, Dates of Creation and Organization, Area, Population, Historical Data, and Published Sources. 3d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972.

Langdon, Samuel. “Accurate Map of His Majesty’s Province of New Hampshire in New England and All Adjacent Country Northern to the River St. Lawrence, and Eastward to Penobscot Bay.” 1756. MS. Faden Collection 9. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C. Photostatic copy at the Newberry Library, Chicago.

Lates, Richard, and Harold Meeks. “Line Which Separates Vermonters from Canadians: A Short History of Vermont’s Northern Border with Quebec.” Vermont History 44 (1976): 71–77.

McCarty, Virgil L. “Boundary Controversy: The Brownington-Johnson Land Problem.” Vermont Quarterly 15 (1947): 157–176.

McCarty, Virgil L. "Evolution of Vermont Counties." [1941]. Historical Records Survey, Vermont, 1936–1942. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier. Typescript. A very useful collection of boundary laws and sketch maps of boundary changes.

McClellan’s Map of Windham County, Vermont . Philadelphia: C. McClellan and Co., 1856. Reprinted as McClellan’s Map of Windham County, Vermont, 1856: The Atlas Edition. West Chesterfield, N.H.: Old Maps, 1984.

MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Session Laws. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1936. Complemented by Pollack (below), this guide lists all state session laws through 1935.

MacDonald, Grace E., comp. Check-List of Statutes of States of the United States of America, Including Revisions, Compilations, Digests, Codes and Indexes. Providence: Oxford Press, 1937. The most complete guide to state codes through 1937.

Mackintosh, W. A. “Canada and Vermont: A Study in Historical Geography.” Canadian Historical Review 8 (1927): 9–30.

Map of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, Compiled from the Latest Authorities . Philadelphia: A. Finley [1826].

Map of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, Compiled from the Latest Authorities. Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1847. This map is nearly identical to the 1852 version (below).

Map of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, Compiled from the Latest Authorities. Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1852. This map is nearly identical to the 1847 version (above).

Map of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, from the Most Authentic Sources . Hartford: H. F. Sumner and Co., 1834.

Massachusetts. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 5 vols. in 6. Boston, 1853–1854. Cited as Mass. Recs.

Meader, J. W. Merrimack River: Its Source and Its Tributaries. Boston, 1869.

Meeks, Harold A. Geographic Regions of Vermont: A Study in Maps. Geography Publications at Dartmouth, no. 10. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College, 1975.

Morison, Elizabeth Forbes, and Elting E. Morison. New Hampshire: A Bicentennial History. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1976.

Morris, Gerald E., and Richard D. Kelly, Jr., eds. Maine Bicentennial Atlas: An Historical Survey. Portland: Maine Historical Society, 1976.

Morrissey, Charles T. Vermont: A Bicentennial History. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1981.

New Hampshire. Laws of New Hampshire, Including Public and Private Acts and Resolves [1680–1835]. 10 vols. Concord, 1904–1922. Cited as N.H. Early Laws.

New Hampshire. Laws of the State of New Hampshire. Title varies. Concord, 1783–. Cited as N.H. Laws.

New Hampshire. Provincial and State Papers. Vols. 1–10 edited by Nathaniel Bouton; vols. 11–18 edited by Isaac W. Hammond; vols. 19–31 edited by Albert Stillman Batchellor; vols. 32–33 edited by Henry Harrison Metcalf; vols. 34–40 edited by Otis G. Hammond. Concord, 1867–1943. Cited as N.H. State Papers.

New York. Commissioners of Statutory Revision. Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution, Including the Charters of the Duke of York, the Commissions and Instructions to Colonial Governors, the Duke’s Laws, the Laws of the Dongan and Leisler Assemblies, the Charters of Albany and New York, and the Acts of the Colonial Legislatures from 1691 to 1775, Inclusive. Report to the Assembly no. 107, 1894. 5 vols. Albany, 1894–1896. Cited as N.Y. Col. Laws.

Newton, Earle. Vermont Story: A History of the People of the Green Mountain State, 1749–1949. Montpelier: Vermont Historical Society, 1949.

Onuf, Peter S. Origins of the Federal Republic: Jurisdictional Controversies in the United States, 1775–1787. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983.

Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New England. 5 vols. Boston, 1882–1890.

Parry, Clive, ed. Consolidated Treaty Series. 231 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1969–1981.

Pollack, Ervin H., comp. Supplement with Bibliographical Notes, Emendations, and Additions to the Check List of Session Laws, Compiled by Grace E. MacDonald. Preliminary ed. Boston: National Association of State Libraries, 1941. Fills gaps in MacDonald's 1935 compilation (above) to produce the most complete list of state session laws through 1935.

Pratt, Daniel J., comp. Report to the Regents of the University on the Boundaries of the State of New York. N.Y. Senate Document no. 108, 1873, and N.Y. Senate Document no. 61, 1877. 2 vols. Albany, 1874–1884.

Preston, Richard Arthur. Gorges of Plymouth Fort: A Life of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain of Plymouth Fort, Governor of New England, and Lord of the Province of Maine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1953.

Randall, E. H. “Weston.” Map copied from Weston Town Clerk’s Plan, June 1922. MS. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier.

Sanford, D. Gregory, ed. Vermont Municipalities: An Index to Their Charters and Special Acts. Vol. 19 of State Papers of Vermont by Vermont Secretary of State. Montpelier, 1986.

Sauthier, Claude Joseph. Chorographical Map of the Province of New-York in North America, Divided into Counties, Manors, Patents and Townships, Exhibiting Likewise All the Private Grants of Land Made and Located in That Province, Compiled from Actual Surveys Deposited in the Patent Office at New York. London, 1779.

Sherman, Michael, Gene Sessions, and P. Jeffrey Potash. Freedom and Unity: A History of Vermont. Barre: Vermont Historical Society, 2004.

Sinko, Peggy Tuck. Guide to Local and Family History at the Newberry Library. Salt Lake City: Ancestry Publishing, 1987.

Slade, William, Jr., comp. Vermont State Papers; Being a Collection of Records and Documents Connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Government by the People of Vermont, Together with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, the Early Journals of the General Assembly, and the Laws from the Year 1779 to 1786, Inclusive. Middlebury, 1823.

Smith, H. P., ed. History of Addison County, Vermont. Syracuse, N.Y., 1886.

Smith, Jonathan. “Massachusetts and New Hampshire Boundary Line Controversy 1693–1740.” Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 43 (1909–1910): 77–88.

Stephenson, Richard W., comp. Land Ownership Maps: A Checklist of Nineteenth Century United States County Maps in the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1967. Most of the maps listed here have been reproduced on microfiche by the Library of Congress.

Swift, Esther Munroe. Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History. Brattleboro, Vt.: Stephen Greene Press, 1977.

Swindler, William F., ed. Sources and Documents of United States Constitutions. 10 vols. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1973–1979. The most complete and up-to-date compilation for the states.

Thompson, Zadock. Gazetteer of the State of Vermont. Montpelier, 1824.

Thorndale, William, and William Dollarhide. Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790–1920. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1987. An atlas of well-designed county outline maps for each state, accompanied by a bibliography and an explanation of methodology.

Turner, Lynn Warren. Ninth State: New Hampshire’s Formative Years. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1983.

United States. Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873. 17 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1845–1874. Cited as U.S. Stat.

U.S. Census Bureau. “Significant Changes to Counties and County Equivalent Entities: 1970–Present.”

Upham, George B. “Early Town Boundaries in Western New Hampshire.” Granite Monthly 51 (1919): 500–504.

Upham, George B. “’Great River Naumkeek’: Once the Southern Boundary of New Hampshire.” Granite Monthly 52 (1920): 193–201.

Upham, George B. “New Hampshire Town Boundaries Determined by Mason’s Curve.” Granite Monthly 52 (1920): 19–27.

Upham, George B. “Sir William Phips and Early Townships of Western New Hampshire and Eastern Vermont.” Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society, n.s., 2 (1931): 129–141.

Van Zandt, Franklin K. Boundaries of the United States and the Several States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 909. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1976. The standard compilation for its subject.

Vermont. Laws of Vermont. Montpelier, 1779–. Cited as Vt. Laws.

Vermont. Records of the Governor and Council of the State of Vermont. Edited by E. P. Walton. 8 vols. Montpelier, 1873–1880. Cited as Vt. Recs. Gov.

Vermont. Secretary of State. State Papers of Vermont. 22 vols. Montpelier, 1918–1997. Cited as Vt. State Papers.

Vermont Atlas and Gazetteer . Edited by William Hancock et al. Yarmouth, Me.: David DeLorme and Co., 1979.

Vermont Geographic Alliance. “Historical Geography of Vermont.”

Wallace, Cranmore. Geography of New Hampshire, with a Sketch of Its Natural History, for Schools. Boston, 1829.

Wells, Robert V. Population of the British Colonies in America before 1776: A Survey of Census Data. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975.

"Weston v. Mount Tabor." Vermont Supreme Court (21 March 1896). MS transcription in Mount Tabor Town Clerk’s record book, 28 May 1898. Decision established the line between these 2 towns and included a report of the court-appointed boundary commission and surveyors.

Williamson, Chilton. Vermont in Quandary: 1763–1825. Growth of Vermont series, no. 4. Montpelier: Vermont Historical Society, 1949.

Williamson, William D. History of the State of Maine, from Its First Discovery, A.D. 1602, to the Separation, A.D. 1820, Inclusive. 2 vols. Hallowell, Me., 1832.

[Wright, Thomas.] “Map of New Hampshire with Part of Quebec and Maine, c. 1773.” Gage Papers. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Positive photostat at the Newberry Library, Chicago.

Young, Esther Hale. “Some Maps and Surveys of New Hampshire Made before 1820 with Biographical Sketches of the Makers and Surveyors.” Master’s thesis, University of New Hampshire, 1954.