Kentucky: Individual County Chronologies

Kentucky Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor; Gordon DenBoer, Historical Compiler; Douglas Knox, Book Digitizing Director; Emily Kelley, Digital Compiler; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant

Copyright The Newberry Library 2007


01 Apr 1802
ADAIR created from GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1801, 10th assy., ch. 43, sec. 1/pp. 68-71)
01 Mar 1804
ADAIR lost to WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1803, 12th assy., ch. 21, sec. 1/pp. 30-31)
06 Dec 1804
ADAIR gained from CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 63/pp. 86-87)
16 Dec 1805
ADAIR exchanged with CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1805, 14th assy., ch. 34/p. 87)
01 Apr 1826
ADAIR lost to creation of RUSSELL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 40-44)
19 Dec 1827
ADAIR lost to CASEY. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 7, sec. 1/pp. 12-13)
21 Feb 1843
ADAIR gained small area from BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 141/p. 21)
29 Jan 1844
ADAIR lost to CASEY. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 85/p. 17; Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 17/p. 11)
07 May 1860
ADAIR lost to creation of METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
01 Oct 1861
ADAIR lost to METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 111, sec. 1/pp. 11-12)
07 Mar 1871
Boundary between ADAIR and CUMBERLAND was clarified to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1414, sec. 1/pp. 43-44)


01 Apr 1815
ALLEN created from BARREN and WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 262-264)
03 Feb 1816
ALLEN lost to WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 332, sec. 1/p. 545)
01 Apr 1819
ALLEN gained from WARREN, lost to creation of SIMPSON. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 342, sec. 1/pp. 633-637)
09 Dec 1820
ALLEN lost to SIMPSON. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 90, sec. 1/pp. 110-111)
15 Nov 1822
ALLEN gained from SIMPSON. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 380, sec. 1/p. 51)
01 Feb 1825
ALLEN gained from MONROE. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 127, sec. 1/pp. 131-132)
21 Dec 1825
ALLEN gained from BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 111, sec. 1/pp. 112-113)
01 Mar 1828
ALLEN gained from WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 85/p. 92)
10 Dec 1861
ALLEN gained from BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1861, Nov. adj. sess., ch. 236, sec. 1/pp. 30-31)
27 Feb 1888
ALLEN lost small area to BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 306, sec. 1/p. 650)


20 Jan 1827
ANDERSON created from FRANKLIN, MERCER, and WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 44-47, and ch. 46, sec. 1/p. 55)
14 Feb 1846
ANDERSON gained small area from FRANKLIN to accommodate local property owner. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 176/pp. 10-11)
28 Jan 1854
ANDERSON gained small area from FRANKLIN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 93/p. 6)
23 Feb 1878
ANDERSON gained from MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 239, sec. 1/pp. 245-246)
12 May 1884
ANDERSON gained small area from MERCER to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1579, sec. 1/pp. 190-191)
15 Apr 1890
ANDERSON gained from WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 2, ch. 756, secs. 1-4, 7/pp. 508-510; vol. 3, ch. 1797, secs. 1-3/pp. 1471-1472)
26 May 1890
ANDERSON lost to MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1859, sec. 1/p. 1579)


15 Dec 1738
AUGUSTA (Va.) created by Virginia from ORANGE (Va.); not fully organized, attached to ORANGE. AUGUSTA (Va.) included all of present Kentucky and West Virginia, and part of present Virginia; ORANGE jurisdiction over Kentucky continued indirectly through attachment. (Hening, 5:78-80; Robinson, 43, 50)
AUGUSTA (Va.) fully organized, detached from ORANGE (Va.). (Robinson, 74)
01 May 1754
AUGUSTA (Va.) lost to FREDERICK (Va.) and lost to creation of HAMPSHIRE (W. Va.); area within present Kentucky was unchanged. (Hening, 6:376-379)
31 Jan 1770
AUGUSTA (Va.) lost to creation of BOTETOURT (Va.); AUGUSTA eliminated from present Kentucky. (Hening, 8:395-398)


23 May 1842
BALLARD created from HICKMAN and McCRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 36-38)
08 Mar 1854
BALLARD lost to HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 662/p. 89)
03 May 1886
BALLARD lost to creation of CARLISLE. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 495, sec. 1/pp. 41-45)


10 May 1799
BARREN created from GREEN and WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 43, secs. 1, 4/pp. 53-55)
29 Nov 1799
BARREN gained from CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 20, sec. 1/p. 45)
01 Apr 1815
BARREN lost to creation of ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 262-264)
01 Apr 1819
BARREN lost to creation of HART. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 352, sec. 1/pp. 648-652)
01 Apr 1820
BARREN lost to creation of MONROE. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 474, sec. 1/pp. 834-838)
21 Dec 1825
BARREN lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 111, sec. 1/pp. 112-113)
01 Mar 1827
BARREN gained from WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 44, secs. 1, 4/pp. 53-54)
20 Jan 1835
BARREN gained small area from HART to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1834-1835, 43d assy., ch. 598, secs. 1-2/p. 33)
21 Feb 1843
BARREN lost small area to ADAIR to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 141/p. 21)
07 May 1860
BARREN lost to creation of METCALFE and lost small area to GREEN along the Little Barren River. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
04 Apr 1861
BARREN lost small area to MONROE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Jan. called sess., ch. 382, sec. 1/p. 41)
24 May 1861
BARREN gained small area from METCALFE to accommodate local property owners [act repealed 3 October 1861; not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 58, sec. 1/p. 50)
03 Oct 1861
BARREN lost small area to METCALFE (repealed act of 24 May 1861 and was in turn repealed 2 March 1863) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 164, sec. 1/p. 19)
10 Dec 1861
BARREN lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1861, Nov. adj. sess., ch. 236, sec. 1/pp. 30-31)
02 Mar 1863
BARREN gained small area from METCALFE (repealed act of 3 October 1861) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1863, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 969, secs. 1-2/p. 364)
21 Mar 1870
BARREN gained small area from METCALFE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 2, ch. 954, sec. 1/p. 662)
13 Mar 1876
BARREN lost small area to METCALFE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 2, ch. 675, sec. 1/p. 417)
26 Mar 1878
BARREN gained small area from HART to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 658, sec. 1/p. 190)
22 Apr 1886
BARREN lost small area to METCALFE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 2, ch. 737, sec. 1/pp. 98-99)
27 Feb 1888
BARREN gained small area from ALLEN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 306, sec. 1/p. 650)


04 Feb 1811
BATH created from MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 221, sec. 1/pp. 43-45)
01 Mar 1818
BATH gained from FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 195, sec. 1/p. 371)
10 Mar 1823
BATH lost to creation of MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 145-147)
06 Mar 1854
BATH exchanged with POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 549/p. 77)
01 May 1869
BATH gained small area from MONTGOMERY, lost to creation of MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
10 Mar 1870
BATH lost small area to MENIFEE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 571, sec. 1/p. 39)
09 Apr 1878
BATH gained small area from MENIFEE to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1878_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 1014, sec. 1/p. 586)

BECKHAM (extinct)

09 Feb 1904
BECKHAM (extinct) created from CARTER, ELLIOTT, LEWIS, and ROWAN. (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 27-30)
29 Apr 1904
Creation of BECKHAM (extinct) was overturned by court decision on constitutional grounds; BECKHAM eliminated. (Correspondence, Kentucky Historical Society, October 1991)


01 Aug 1867
JOSH BELL (now BELL) created from HARLAN and KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1553, sec. 1/pp. 47-50)
21 Jan 1871
JOSH BELL (now BELL) exchanged with WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1118, sec. 1/pp. 5-6)
27 Mar 1872
JOSH BELL (now BELL) gained small area from KNOX [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1872_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 824, sec. 1/p. 74)
22 Mar 1873
Boundary between JOSH BELL (now BELL) and HARLAN was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 514, sec. 1/p. 63)
21 Apr 1873
Boundary between JOSH BELL (now BELL) and CLAY was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 938, sec. 1/p. 443)
01 May 1873
JOSH BELL renamed BELL. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 47, sec. 1/pp. 4-5)
25 Feb 1876
BELL gained small area from KNOX [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1876_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 233, sec. 1/p. 374)
07 Mar 1888
BELL lost small area to WHITLEY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 427, sec. 1/pp. 876-887)


01 Jun 1799
BOONE created from CAMPBELL. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 4, sec. 1/pp. 7-9)
27 Dec 1820
BOONE gained from GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 162, sec. 1/pp. 208-209)
09 Feb 1837
BOONE lost to GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 12/pp. 141-143; Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 480, sec. 1/pp. 9-11)
10 Mar 1870
BOONE lost to GRANT. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 566, sec. 1/p. 38)


31 Jan 1770
BOTETOURT (Va.) created by Virginia from AUGUSTA (Va.). BOTETOURT included all of present Kentucky and parts of present Virginia and West Virginia. (Hening, 8:395-398)
01 Dec 1772
BOTETOURT (Va.) lost to creation of FINCASTLE (Va.); BOTETOURT eliminated from present Kentucky. (Hening, 8:600-601)


01 May 1786
BOURBON created by Virginia from FAYETTE. (Hening, 12:89-91)
01 May 1789
BOURBON lost to creation of MASON. (Hening, 12:658-659)
01 Jun 1792
BOURBON became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Feb 1793
BOURBON lost to creation of CLARK. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 2d sess., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 19-20)
01 Feb 1794
BOURBON lost to creation of HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1793, 2d assy., ch. 24, sec. 1/pp. 29-31)
18 Dec 1798
BOURBON lost to CLARK. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 10-11)
01 Jun 1800
BOURBON lost to creation of NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 11, secs. 1, 6/pp. 31-33)
04 Feb 1809
Boundary between BOURBON and HARRISON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 49, sec. 1/p. 62)
09 Feb 1809
Boundary between BOURBON and HARRISON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 73/p. 97)
Jan 1810
BOURBON boundaries were clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 13)
01 Mar 1817
BOURBON lost to NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1816-1817, 25th assy., ch. 27, secs. 1, 5/pp. 44-45)
01 Jan 1870
Boundary between BOURBON and MONTGOMERY was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 31, secs. 1, 5/pp. 34-35)
02 Apr 1890
Boundary between BOURBON and HARRISON was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 482, secs. 1-2/pp. 1075-1076)


01 May 1860
BOYD created from CARTER, GREENUP, and LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 288, sec. 1/pp. 32-35)


01 Mar 1842
BOYLE created from LINCOLN and MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 189, sec. 1/pp. 39-41, and ch. 365/p. 270)
29 Feb 1844
BOYLE lost small area to MERCER to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 271, sec. 3/pp. 50-51)
17 Jan 1878
BOYLE gained small area from CASEY to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1878_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 21-22)
10 Mar 1882
BOYLE lost small area to GARRARD (act repealed 2 May 1888) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1882_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 1, ch. 421, sec. 1/p. 736)
21 Feb 1888
BOYLE gained small area from CASEY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 219, secs. 1-2/p. 456)
02 May 1888
BOYLE gained small area from GARRARD (repealed act of 10 March 1882) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1424, sec. 1/p. 733)


01 Jun 1797
BRACKEN created from CAMPBELL and MASON. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 5-6)
10 May 1799
BRACKEN lost to creation of PENDLETON. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 47, sec. 1/pp. 59-61)
09 Feb 1820
BRACKEN lost to HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 524, sec. 1/pp. 892-893)
22 Feb 1834
BRACKEN lost to HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 437/p. 581)
29 Feb 1844
BRACKEN gained from NICHOLAS; BRACKEN also gained small area from HARRISON to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 268/p. 49; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 271, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
21 Feb 1846
BRACKEN gained small area from NICHOLAS [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 277/p. 16)
08 Mar 1854
BRACKEN gained small area from MASON to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1854_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 643, sec. 1/p. 89)
09 Feb 1864
BRACKEN gained small area from HARRISON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 256, sec. 1/p.342)
01 Aug 1867
BRACKEN lost to creation of ROBERTSON. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1317, sec. 1/pp. 37-41, and ch. 1541, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
22 Apr 1882
BRACKEN lost small area to PENDLETON. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1293, sec. 1/p. 843)


01 Apr 1839
BREATHITT created from CLAY, ESTILL, and PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1192, sec. 1/pp. 144-145)
01 Jun 1843
BREATHITT gained from ESTILL, lost to creation of OWSLEY. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 43, secs, 1, 6/pp. 11-13)
01 Mar 1844
BREATHITT gained small area from OWSLEY to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1844_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 299, sec. 1/pp. 68-69)
21 Feb 1846
BREATHITT gained from PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 284/p. 16)
27 Feb 1849
BREATHITT lost small area to PERRY to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1849_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 627/p. 40)
10 Mar 1856
BREATHITT gained small area from PERRY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 611/p. 91)
03 Mar 1860
BREATHITT lost to OWSLEY. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 1264, sec. 1/p. 822)
01 Jul 1860
BREATHITT lost to creation of WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 1326, sec. 1/pp. 138-141)
01 Mar 1870
BREATHITT lost to creation of LEE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 202, sec. 1/pp. 14-18)
03 Mar 1871
Boundary between BREATHITT and LEE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1400, sec. 1/p. 38)
08 Mar 1878
BREATHITT gained small area from PERRY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 423-424)
15 May 1884
BREATHITT lost to creation of KNOTT. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1313, sec. 1/pp. 103-108)
07 Apr 1886
BREATHITT lost to WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 536, secs. 1-3/pp. 1219-1220)
24 May 1890
BREATHITT lost small area to LEE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1890_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1807, sec. 1/p. 1483)


01 Jan 1800
BRECKINRIDGE created from HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 72, sec. 1/pp. 148-150)
22 Mar 1824
BRECKINRIDGE lost to creation of MEADE. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 609, sec. 1/pp. 336-338)
23 Mar 1829
BRECKINRIDGE lost to creation of HANCOCK. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 30-32)
25 Dec 1831
BRECKINRIDGE gained from OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 471, secs. 1, 3/pp. 79-80)


01 Jan 1797
BULLITT created from JEFFERSON and NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 3-4)
01 Mar 1811
BULLITT gained from JEFFERSON. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 226, sec. 1/p. 50)
15 Jan 1824
BULLITT lost to creation of SPENCER. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 708, sec. 1/pp. 441-443)


01 May 1810
BUTLER created from LOGAN and OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 119, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
29 Dec 1813
BUTLER gained small area from LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1813-1814, 22d assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 129-130)
15 Mar 1871
BUTLER gained from OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1595, sec. 1/p. 64)
22 May 1890
BUTLER lost to MUHLENBERG. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1734, secs. 1-2/p. 1307)


01 May 1809
CALDWELL created from LIVINGSTON. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 33, sec. 1/pp. 40-42)
01 Mar 1819
CALDWELL gained from CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 397, sec. 1/pp. 712-713)
01 Apr 1820
CALDWELL lost to creation of TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 489, sec. 1/pp. 853-856, and ch. 554/pp. 938-939)
19 Dec 1821
CALDWELL lost to creation of CALLOWAY, GRAVES, and HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
01 Jan 1825
CALDWELL lost to TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 96, sec. 1/p. 101)
01 Jan 1826
CALDWELL lost to TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 43, sec. 1/pp. 46-48)
12 Jan 1827
CALDWELL lost to TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 26/pp. 34-35)
13 Feb 1828
CALDWELL lost to TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 177, sec. 1/p. 229)
01 Feb 1838
CALDWELL lost to LIVINGSTON. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 719, sec. 1/p. 140)
30 Jan 1847
Boundary between CALDWELL and HOPKINS was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1846-1847, ch. 118/p. 11)
01 Apr 1854
CALDWELL lost to creation of LYON. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 2-5, and ch. 471, sec. 9/pp. 68-69)
20 Jan 1863
CALDWELL gained from LYON. (Ky. Acts 1863, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 701, sec. 1/p. 404)


19 Dec 1821
CALLOWAY created from CALDWELL and LIVINGSTON; CALLOWAY not fully organized, attached to HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
15 Jan 1823
CALLOWAY fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 411, sec. 1/pp. 86-88)
01 Jun 1842
CALLOWAY lost to creation of MARSHALL. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 180, sec. 1/pp. 33-34)


10 May 1795
CAMPBELL created from HARRISON, MASON, and SCOTT. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp, 19-21)
01 Jun 1797
CAMPBELL lost to creation of BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 5-6)
10 May 1799
CAMPBELL lost to creation of PENDLETON. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 47, sec. 1/pp. 59-61)
01 Jun 1799
CAMPBELL lost to creation of BOONE. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 4, sec. 1/pp. 7-9)
07 Dec 1831
CAMPBELL lost small area to GRANT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1831-1832, 40th assy., ch. 637/p. 74)
30 Apr 1840
CAMPBELL lost to creation of KENTON. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 175, sec. 1/pp. 109-111)


03 May 1886
CARLISLE created from BALLARD. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 495, sec. 1/pp. 41-45)


01 Mar 1838
CARROLL created from GALLATIN and TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 773, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
16 Jan 1840
Boundary between CARROLL and TRIMBLE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 70/p. 40)
05 Feb 1872
CARROLL gained from GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 193, sec. 1/p. 14)


01 May 1838
CARTER created from GREENUP and LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 760, sec. 1/p. 162-164)
01 May 1860
CARTER lost to creation of BOYD. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 288, sec. 1/pp. 32-35)
18 Sep 1861
CARTER lost small area to ROWAN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 24, sec. 1/p. 1)
14 Mar 1862
CARTER gained from GREENUP. (Ky. Acts 1862, Feb. adj. sess., ch. 555, sec. 1/p. 77)
22 Feb 1865
CARTER exchanged with GREENUP (act repealed 3 June 1865). (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 946, sec. 1/pp. 42-43)
03 Jun 1865
CARTER exchanged with GREENUP (repealed act of 22 February 1865). (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1699, sec. 1/p. 549)
09 Mar 1868
CARTER lost small area to LEWIS to accommodate local property owners [not mapped; act repealed 18 March 1871]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 1195, sec. 1/p. 622)
01 Apr 1869
CARTER lost to creation of ELLIOTT. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1297, sec. 1/pp. 69-73)
18 Mar 1871
CARTER gained small area from LEWIS (repealed act of 9 March 1868) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1672, sec. 1/p. 69)
29 Mar 1880
CARTER gained small area from ELLIOTT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 1, ch. 636, sec. 1/p. 652)
22 Apr 1882
CARTER lost small area to ROWAN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1253, sec. 1/p. 769)
09 Feb 1904
CARTER lost to creation of BECKHAM (extinct). (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 27-30)
29 Apr 1904
CARTER gained from BECKHAM (extinct) when creation of BECKHAM was overturned by court decision on constitutional grounds; BECKHAM eliminated. (Correspondence, Kentucky Historical Society, October 1991)


04 May 1807
CASEY created from LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 78-81)
19 Feb 1808
CASEY lost to LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1807-1808, 16th assy., ch. 74, sec. 1/pp. 117-118)
28 Jan 1814
Boundary between CASEY and LINCOLN was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1813-1814, 22d assy., ch. 140, secs. 6-7/pp. 176-178)
01 Mar 1821
CASEY lost to MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 139, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
19 Dec 1827
CASEY gained from ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 7, sec. 1/pp. 12-13)
15 Feb 1843
CASEY lost small area to LINCOLN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 126/p. 21)
29 Jan 1844
CASEY gained from ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 85/p. 17; Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 17/p. 11)
15 Feb 1864
CASEY gained small area from RUSSELL to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1864_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 332, sec. 1/p. 383)
17 Jan 1878
CASEY lost small area to BOYLE to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1878_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 21-22)
13 Apr 1880
Boundary between CASEY and LINCOLN was redefined to accommodate local property owners [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 955, sec. 1/p. 385)
21 Feb 1888
CASEY lost small area to BOYLE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 219, secs. 1-2/p. 456)


01 Mar 1797
CHRISTIAN created from LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 13-14, and sec. 1/pp. 9-10)
15 May 1799
CHRISTIAN lost to creation of HENDERSON and MUHLENBERG. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 57, sec. 1/pp. 76-78, and ch. 65, sec. 1/pp. 128-130)
21 May 1799
CHRISTIAN lost to creation of LIVINGSTON. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 61, sec. 1/pp. 119-121)
04 Dec 1800
CHRISTIAN lost to MUHLENBERG. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 10, sec. 1/p. 33)
01 Mar 1819
CHRISTIAN lost to CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 397, sec. 1/pp. 712-713)
01 Mar 1820
CHRISTIAN lost to HOPKINS. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 477, secs. 1-2/pp. 839-841)
01 Apr 1820
CHRISTIAN lost to creation of TODD and TRIGG. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 817-819, ch. 489, sec. 1/pp. 853-856, and ch. 554/pp. 938-939)


01 Feb 1793
CLARK created from BOURBON and FAYETTE. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 2d sess., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 19-20)
01 Mar 1797
CLARK lost to creation of MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 4-5)
18 Dec 1798
CLARK gained from BOURBON. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 10-11)
01 Apr 1808
CLARK lost to creation of ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1807-1808, 16th assy., ch. 38, sec. 1/pp. 64-66, and ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 66-67)
10 May 1852
CLARK lost to creation of POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 325, sec. 1/pp. 29-32)


01 Apr 1807
CLAY created from FLOYD, KNOX, and MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 139-141)
01 Mar 1812
CLAY lost to MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1811-1812, 20th assy., ch. 392, sec. 1/p. 218)
01 May 1815
CLAY lost to ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 191, sec. 1/p. 268)
26 Feb 1821
CLAY lost to creation of PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 9, sec. 1/pp. 15-18, and ch. 124, sec. 3/pp. 152-153)
13 Feb 1826
CLAY lost to creation of LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 28-30)
01 Apr 1839
CLAY lost to creation of BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1192, sec. 1/pp. 144-145)
12 Jan 1843
CLAY lost to PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 4, sec. 1/pp. 9-10)
01 Jun 1843
CLAY lost to creation of OWSLEY. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 43, secs. 1, 6/pp. 11-13)
24 Feb 1849
CLAY lost small area to LAUREL to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 427/p. 22)
22 Nov 1850
CLAY lost to PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1850-1851, vol. 1, ch. 20/p. 3)
09 Dec 1850
CLAY gained from PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1850-1851, vol. 1, ch. 57/p. 14)
01 Jan 1852
Boundary between CLAY and KNOX was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 203/pp. 513-514)
09 Jan 1852
CLAY lost to HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 421/p. 723)
25 Apr 1858
CLAY lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
12 Mar 1873
Boundary between CLAY and JACKSON was clarified to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 385, sec. 1/p. 493)
21 Apr 1873
Boundary between CLAY and JOSH BELL (now BELL) was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 938, sec. 1/p. 443)
15 Apr 1878
CLAY lost to creation of LESLIE. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 666, sec. 1/pp. 70-74)
26 Apr 1886
CLAY lost small area to LAUREL to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, ch. 828, sec. 1/p. 225)
27 Feb 1890
CLAY gained small area from LAUREL to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 259, sec. 1/p. 467)
28 Mar 1890
CLAY lost small area to LAUREL to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 462, sec. 1/pp. 978-979)
22 Mar 1904
Boundary between CLAY and LAUREL was adjusted [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 209)


01 Apr 1836
CLINTON created from CUMBERLAND and WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1835-1836, 44th assy., ch. 245, sec. 1/pp. 261-264)
16 Feb 1841
CLINTON gained small area from RUSSELL to accommodate local property owner (act repealed 7 February 1868) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1840-1841, reg. sess., ch. 328/p. 222)
07 Feb 1868
CLINTON lost small area to RUSSELL (repealed act of 16 February 1841) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 353, sec. 1/p. 477)


01 Apr 1842
CRITTENDEN created from LIVINGSTON. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 97, sec. 1/pp. 22-23)
02 Feb 1848
CRITTENDEN lost to LIVINGSTON. (Ky. Acts 1847-1848, ch. 169, secs. 1, 5/pp. 14-15)


01 Jul 1799
CUMBERLAND created from GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 54, sec. 1/pp. 69-71)
29 Nov 1799
CUMBERLAND lost to BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 20, sec. 1/p. 45)
01 Mar 1801
CUMBERLAND lost to creation of WAYNE and lost small areas along the Cumberland River to GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 66-68)
06 Dec 1804
CUMBERLAND lost to ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 63/pp. 86-87)
16 Dec 1805
CUMBERLAND exchanged with ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1805, 14th assy., ch. 34/p. 87)
01 Apr 1820
CUMBERLAND lost to creation of MONROE. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 474, sec. 1/pp. 834-838)
01 Apr 1826
CUMBERLAND lost to creation of RUSSELL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 40-44)
20 Jan 1830
CUMBERLAND lost to MONROE. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 256, sec. 1/p. 76)
01 Apr 1836
CUMBERLAND lost to creation of CLINTON. (Ky. Acts 1835-1836, 44th assy., ch. 245, sec. 1/pp. 261-264)
07 May 1860
CUMBERLAND lost to creation of METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
17 Feb 1866
CUMBERLAND lost to METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 726, sec. 1/pp. 625-626)
07 Mar 1871
Boundary between CUMBERLAND and ADAIR was clarified to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1414, sec. 1/pp. 43-44)
31 Dec 1939
[by 31 December 1939] CUMBERLAND gained from METCALFE. (Rand McNally Commercial Atlas, 1939, p. 157)


01 Jun 1815
DAVIESS created from OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 190, sec. 1/pp. 265-267)
14 Dec 1815
DAVIESS lost small area to OHIO [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1815_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 274, sec. 1/p. 462)
23 Mar 1829
DAVIESS lost to creation of HANCOCK. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 30-32)
01 Mar 1830
DAVIESS gained from OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 306, sec. 1/pp. 149-150)
08 May 1854
DAVIESS lost to creation of McLEAN. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 7-10)
02 Mar 1860
DAVIESS gained from HENDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 1105, sec. 1/p. 710, and ch. 1282/p. 828)
01 Mar 1862
DAVIESS lost small area to McLEAN to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1862_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1862, Feb. adj. sess., ch. 426, sec. 1/pp. 64-65)
24 Mar 1926
Boundary between DAVIESS and HANCOCK was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1926, ch. 181, sec. 1/p. 861)


01 Feb 1825
EDMONSON created from GRAYSON, HART, and WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 204, sec. 1/pp. 191-193; Ky. Acts 1887-1888, ch. 1133, secs. 1, 7/pp. 278-279)


01 Apr 1869
ELLIOTT created from CARTER, LAWRENCE, and MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1297, sec. 1/pp. 69-73)
28 Jan 1870
ELLIOTT exchanged small areas with MORGAN to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 182, sec. 1/p. 14)
21 Mar 1872
Boundary between ELLIOTT and ROWAN was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 689, sec. 1/p. 59)
29 Mar 1880
ELLIOTT lost small area to CARTER to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 1, ch. 636, sec. 1/p. 652)
15 Apr 1882
ELLIOTT lost small area to ROWAN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1049, sec. 1/p. 502)
09 Feb 1904
ELLIOTT lost to creation of BECKHAM (extinct). (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 27-30)
29 Apr 1904
ELLIOTT gained from BECKHAM (extinct) when creation of BECKHAM was overturned by court decision on constitutional grounds; BECKHAM eliminated. (Correspondence, Kentucky Historical Society, October 1991)


01 Apr 1808
ESTILL created from CLARK and MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1807-1808, 16th assy., ch. 38, sec. 1/pp. 64-66, and ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 66-67)
01 May 1815
ESTILL gained from CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 191, sec. 1/p. 268)
06 May 1816
ESTILL gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 306, sec. 1/p. 503)
01 Apr 1839
ESTILL lost to creation of BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1192, sec. 1/pp. 144-145)
01 Jun 1843
ESTILL lost to creation of OWSLEY and lost to BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 43, secs. 1, 6/pp. 11-13)
10 May 1852
ESTILL lost to creation of POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 325, sec. 1/pp. 29-32)
01 Mar 1854
ESTILL gained from OWSLEY. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 394/p. 65)
25 Apr 1858
ESTILL lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
01 Mar 1870
ESTILL gained small area from OWSLEY, lost to creation of LEE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 202, sec. 1/pp. 14-18)
25 Mar 1873
Boundary between ESTILL and LEE was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 545, sec. 1/p. 26)
19 Apr 1884
ESTILL lost small area to POWELL [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1884_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 2, ch. 920, sec. 1/p. 201)
29 Apr 1890
ESTILL lost small area to LEE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 2, ch. 1126, sec. 1/p. 1597)
09 May 1890
Boundary between ESTILL and POWELL was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1355, sec. 1/p. 367)
Mar 1972
ESTILL lost small area to POWELL to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1972_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1972, ch. 38/pp. 128-129)


01 Nov 1780
FAYETTE created by Virginia from KENTUCKY County (Va., extinct). (Hening, 10:315-317)
01 Aug 1782
FAYETTE was included in Kentucky District (Va.), a special judicial district created to serve Virginians living west of the Allegheny Mountains. This district became the state of Kentucky in 1792. (Hening, 11:85)
01 May 1786
FAYETTE lost to creation of BOURBON. (Hening, 12:89-91)
01 May 1789
FAYETTE lost to creation of WOODFORD. (Hening, 12:663-665)
01 Jun 1792
FAYETTE became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., vol. 1, ch. 4 [1791]/p 189)
01 Feb 1793
FAYETTE lost to creation of CLARK. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 2d sess., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 19-20)
01 Feb 1799
FAYETTE lost to creation of JESSAMINE. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 62, sec. 1/pp. 121-123)
17 Feb 1868
Boundary between FAYETTE and JESSAMINE was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 464, sec. 1/p. 556)
09 Apr 1886
FAYETTE lost small area to WOODFORD to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 551, sec. 1/p. 1239)

FINCASTLE (Va., extinct)

01 Dec 1772
FINCASTLE (Va., extinct) created by Virginia from BOTETOURT (Va.); FINCASTLE included all of present Kentucky and parts of present Virginia and West Virginia. (Hening, 8:600-601)
31 Dec 1776
FINCASTLE (Va., extinct) eliminated when Virginia created KENTUCKY County (Va., extinct). (Hening, 9:257-261)


01 Mar 1798
FLEMING created from MASON. (Ky. Acts 1798, 6th assy., 2d sess., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 53-55)
01 Jun 1800
FLEMING lost to creation of FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 150-152)
01 Sep 1816
FLEMING gained from NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 351, secs. 1, 3-4/pp. 573-574)
01 Jan 1824
FLEMING lost to NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 603, secs. 1, 3/p. 330)
01 May 1856
FLEMING lost to creation of ROWAN. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 27, sec. 1/pp. 4-7)
18 Feb 1888
FLEMING gained small area from MASON [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 199, sec. 1/p. 402)


01 Jun 1800
FLOYD created from FLEMING, MASON, and MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 150-152)
01 Apr 1807
FLOYD gained from MADISON, lost to creation of CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 139-141)
17 Jan 1818
FLOYD gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 182, sec. 1/p. 352)
01 Mar 1818
FLOYD lost to BATH. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 195, sec. 1/p. 371)
26 Feb 1821
FLOYD lost to creation of PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 9, sec. 1/pp. 15-18, and ch. 124, sec. 3/pp. 152-153)
11 Feb 1822
FLOYD lost to creation of LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 274, sec. 1/pp. 332-335)
01 Mar 1822
FLOYD lost to creation of PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 297, sec. 1/pp. 371-374)
10 Mar 1823
FLOYD lost to creation of MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 145-147)
07 Jan 1824
FLOYD lost to MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 725, sec. 1/pp. 468-469)
22 Jan 1829
Boundary between FLOYD and PIKE was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 95, sec. 1/pp. 85-86)
16 Dec 1839
FLOYD lost to MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 22/p. 17)
28 Feb 1842
FLOYD lost small area to PIKE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1842_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 362, sec. 2/pp. 269-270)
01 Apr 1843
FLOYD lost to creation of JOHNSON. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 27-29; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 299, sec. 2/p. 68)
10 Feb 1845
FLOYD gained small area from PIKE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1845_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 254, sec. 3/pp. 195-196)
12 Feb 1849
FLOYD boundary with LAWRENCE and PIKE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 211, sec. 1/p. 9)
04 Mar 1850
FLOYD lost to LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1849-1850, ch. 245, sec. 8/pp. 37-38)
09 Jan 1852
FLOYD lost to LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 396, sec. 1/p. 699)
25 Apr 1860
FLOYD lost to creation of MAGOFFIN. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 437, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
01 May 1860
FLOYD gained from LAWRENCE (act repealed 20 September 1861). (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 996, secs. 1, 3/pp. 622-623)
20 Sep 1861
FLOYD lost to LAWRENCE (repealed act of 1 May 1860). (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 41, sec. 1/p. 2)
01 Sep 1870
FLOYD lost to creation of MARTIN. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 554, sec. 1/pp. 35-38)
20 Mar 1878
FLOYD exchanged with JOHNSON. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 597, secs. 1-2/p. 51)
22 Apr 1880
Boundary between FLOYD and PIKE was redefined to accommodate local property owners [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 1082, sec. 1/p. 563)
15 May 1884
FLOYD lost to creation of KNOTT. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1313, sec. 1/pp. 103-108)
12 Jan 1888
FLOYD lost to PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 6, sec. 1/pp. 3-4)


10 May 1795
FRANKLIN created from MERCER, SHELBY, and WOODFORD. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp. 19-21)
13 May 1799
FRANKLIN lost to creation of GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 58, sec. 1/pp. 79-81)
01 Apr 1819
FRANKLIN lost to creation of OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 387, sec. 1/pp. 702-705)
01 Mar 1820
FRANKLIN gained from SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 477, secs. 1-2/pp. 839-841)
16 Nov 1820
FRANKLIN gained from OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 23/p. 31)
12 Jan 1827
FRANKLIN gained from HENRY. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 25/p. 34, and ch. 158/p. 187)
20 Jan 1827
FRANKLIN lost to creation of ANDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 44-47, and ch. 46, sec. 1/p. 55)
10 Feb 1845
FRANKLIN lost small area to SCOTT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 266, sec. 4/p. 202)
14 Feb 1846
FRANKLIN lost small area to ANDERSON to accommodate local property owner. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 176/pp. 10-11)
28 Jan 1854
FRANKLIN lost small area to ANDERSON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 93/p. 6)
05 Mar 1869
FRANKLIN lost small area to SCOTT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1744, sec. 1/p. 1)


01 Apr 1845
FULTON created from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 44, sec. 1/pp. 11-14)


13 May 1799
GALLATIN created from FRANKLIN and SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 58, sec. 1/pp. 79-81)
01 Apr 1819
GALLATIN lost to creation of OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 387, sec. 1/pp. 702-705)
27 Dec 1820
GALLATIN lost to BOONE. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 162, sec. 1/pp. 208-209)
01 Mar 1821
GALLATIN lost to OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 154, sec. 1/pp. 196-197)
01 Mar 1828
GALLATIN lost to OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 92, sec. 1/p. 97)
09 Feb 1837
GALLATIN gained from BOONE. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 12/pp. 141-143; Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 480, sec. 1/pp. 9-11)
01 Mar 1837
GALLATIN lost to creation of TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 1/pp. 141-143, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 239-240, and ch. 369, sec. 6/pp. 249-250)
01 Mar 1838
GALLATIN lost to creation of CARROLL. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 773, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
27 Feb 1867
GALLATIN gained from GRANT (act repealed 26 February 1868). (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1551, sec. 1/pp. 142-143)
26 Feb 1868
GALLATIN lost to GRANT (repealed act of 27 February 1867). (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 569, sec. 1/p. 15)
05 Feb 1872
GALLATIN lost to CARROLL. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 193, sec. 1/p. 14)


01 Jun 1797
GARRARD created from LINCOLN, MADISON, and MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 38-39)
01 Jan 1800
GARRARD gained from MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 70, sec. 1/pp. 146-147)
19 Dec 1801
GARRARD gained from LINCOLN and gained small area from MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1801, 10th assy., ch. 64, sec. 1/pp. 64-65)
10 Mar 1882
GARRARD gained small area from BOYLE (act repealed 2 May 1888) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1882_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 1, ch. 421, sec. 1/p. 736)
02 May 1888
GARRARD lost small area to BOYLE (repealed act of 10 March 1882) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1424, sec. 1/p. 733)


01 Apr 1820
GRANT created from PENDLETON. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 561, sec. 1/pp. 944-946)
06 Jan 1827
GRANT gained from HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 13/p. 18)
07 Dec 1831
GRANT gained small area from CAMPBELL to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1831-1832, 40th assy., ch. 637/p. 74)
01 Jan 1852
GRANT gained from KENTON. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 191/p. 509)
31 Aug 1862
GRANT gained small area from OWEN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1862, Aug. called sess., ch. 665, sec. 1/p. 312)
27 Feb 1867
GRANT lost to GALLATIN (act repealed 26 February 1868). (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1551, sec. 1/pp. 142-143)
26 Feb 1868
GRANT gained from GALLATIN (repealed act of 27 February 1867). (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 569, sec. 1/p. 15)
10 Mar 1870
GRANT gained from BOONE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 566, sec. 1/p. 38)
09 Feb 1876
GRANT gained from OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 132, sec. 1/p. 268)
03 Apr 1996
GRANT boundary with KENTON was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1996, ch. 161/pp. 604-605)


19 Dec 1821
GRAVES created from CALDWELL and LIVINGSTON; GRAVES not fully organized, attached to HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
15 Jan 1824
GRAVES fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 610, sec. 1/pp. 338-339)
24 May 1861
GRAVES lost small area to HICKMAN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 63, sec. 1/pp. 52-53)


01 Apr 1810
GRAYSON created from HARDIN and OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 133, sec. 1/pp. 68-70)
01 Feb 1825
GRAYSON lost to creation of EDMONSON. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 204, sec. 1/pp. 191-193; Ky. Acts 1887-1888, ch. 1133, secs. 1, 7/pp. 278-279)


01 Jan 1793
GREEN created from LINCOLN and NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 44, sec. 1/pp. 46-47)
10 May 1799
GREEN lost to creation of BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 43, secs. 1, 4/pp. 53-55)
01 Jun 1799
GREEN lost to creation of PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 1, sec. 1/pp. 3-5)
01 Jul 1799
GREEN lost to creation of CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 54, sec. 1/pp. 69-71)
01 Mar 1801
GREEN gained small areas along the Cumberland River from CUMBERLAND, lost to creation of WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 66-68)
01 Apr 1802
GREEN lost to creation of ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1801, 10th assy., ch. 43, sec. 1/pp. 68-71)
15 Dec 1804
GREEN gained from HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 88, sec. 1/pp. 124-125)
01 Mar 1848
GREEN lost to creation of TAYLOR. (Ky. Acts 1847-1848, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 3-5)
12 Feb 1858
GREEN lost small area to TAYLOR to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 391/p. 44)
07 May 1860
GREEN gained small area along the Little Barren River from BARREN, lost to creation of METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
12 Jan 1866
GREEN lost small area to TAYLOR to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 83, sec. 1/p. 73)
13 Mar 1869
GREEN lost to TAYLOR (act repealed 12 March 1870). (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2025, sec. 1/pp. 77-78)
12 Mar 1870
GREEN gained from TAYLOR (repealed act of 13 March 1869). (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 637, sec. 1/p. 42)
26 Mar 1888
GREEN lost small area to TAYLOR to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 2, ch. 671, sec. 1/pp. 430-431)


01 Feb 1804
GREENUP created from MASON. (Ky. Acts 1803, 12th assy., ch. 76, sec. 1/pp. 113-115)
11 Feb 1822
GREENUP lost to creation of LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 274, sec. 1/pp. 332-335)
29 Jan 1830
GREENUP lost to LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 351/pp. 208-209)
08 Jan 1838
Boundary between GREENUP and LEWIS was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 531, sec. 1/pp. 34-35)
01 May 1838
GREENUP lost to creation of CARTER. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 760, sec. 1/p. 162-164)
01 May 1860
GREENUP lost to creation of BOYD. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 288, sec. 1/pp. 32-35)
14 Mar 1862
GREENUP lost to CARTER. (Ky. Acts 1862, Feb. adj. sess., ch. 555, sec. 1/p. 77)
22 Feb 1865
GREENUP exchanged with CARTER (act repealed 3 June 1865). (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 946, sec. 1/pp. 42-43)
03 Jun 1865
GREENUP exchanged with CARTER (repealed act of 22 February 1865). (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1699, sec. 1/p. 549)


23 Mar 1829
HANCOCK created from BRECKINRIDGE, DAVIESS, and OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 30-32)
24 Mar 1926
Boundary between HANCOCK and DAVIESS was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1926, ch. 181, sec. 1/p. 861)


20 Feb 1793
HARDIN created from NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 2d sess., ch. 17, sec. 1/pp. 22-23)
01 Jul 1799
HARDIN lost to creation of OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 164-166; Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., res., pp. 211-212)
01 Jan 1800
HARDIN lost to creation of BRECKINRIDGE. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 72, sec. 1/pp. 148-150)
15 Dec 1804
HARDIN lost to GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 88, sec. 1/pp. 124-125)
01 Apr 1810
HARDIN lost to creation of GRAYSON and lost small areas on the Rough River and on Bear Creek to OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 133, sec. 1/pp. 68-70)
01 Apr 1819
HARDIN lost to creation of HART. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 352, sec. 1/pp. 648-652)
22 Mar 1824
HARDIN lost to creation of MEADE. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 609, sec. 1/pp. 336-338)
01 Mar 1843
HARDIN lost to creation of LARUE. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 210, sec. 1/pp. 31-32)


01 Apr 1819
HARLAN created from KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 341, sec. 1/pp. 631-633)
04 Feb 1820
HARLAN gained from KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 495, sec. 1/p. 861)
02 Dec 1820
HARLAN exchanged with KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 50, secs. 1-2/p. 66)
27 Jan 1838
HARLAN lost to KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 663, sec. 1/p. 103)
28 Jan 1841
HARLAN gained from PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1840-1841, reg. sess., ch. 160/p. 26)
01 Apr 1842
HARLAN lost to creation of LETCHER. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 394, sec. 1/pp. 88-90; Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 65/p. 16; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 88/p. 17)
09 Jan 1852
HARLAN gained from CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 421/p. 723)
15 Feb 1856
HARLAN lost small area to KNOX [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 166/p. 36)
17 Feb 1864
HARLAN gained small area from LETCHER to accommodate local property owner [not mapped; act repealed 22 March 1873]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 386, sec. 1/pp. 416-417)
02 Mar 1865
HARLAN lost small area to KNOX to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1255, sec. 1/p.75)
01 Aug 1867
HARLAN lost to creation of JOSH BELL (now BELL). (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1553, sec. 1/pp. 47-50)
22 Mar 1873
HARLAN lost small area to LETCHER (repealed act of 17 February 1864) [not mapped]. Boundary between HARLAN and JOSH BELL (now BELL) was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 514, sec. 1/p. 63, and ch. 527, sec. 1/p. 73)


01 Feb 1794
HARRISON created from BOURBON and SCOTT. (Ky. Acts 1793, 2d assy., ch. 24, sec. 1/pp. 29-31)
10 May 1795
HARRISON gained small area from MASON, lost to creation of CAMPBELL. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp, 19-21)
04 Feb 1809
Boundary between HARRISON and BOURBON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 49, sec. 1/p. 62)
09 Feb 1809
Boundary between HARRISON and BOURBON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 73/p. 97)
Jan 1810
HARRISON boundaries were clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 13)
01 Sep 1816
HARRISON gained from NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 351, secs. 1, 3-4/pp. 573-574)
01 Mar 1817
HARRISON gained small area from NICHOLAS [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1817_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1816-1817, 25th assy., ch. 27, secs. 1, 5/pp. 44-45)
09 Feb 1820
HARRISON gained from BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 524, sec. 1/pp. 892-893)
06 Jan 1827
HARRISON lost to GRANT. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 13/p. 18)
22 Feb 1834
HARRISON gained from BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 437/p. 581)
29 Feb 1844
HARRISON lost small area to BRACKEN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 268/p. 49; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 271, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
09 Feb 1864
HARRISON lost small area to BRACKEN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 256, sec. 1/p.342)
01 Aug 1867
HARRISON lost to creation of ROBERTSON. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1317, sec. 1/pp. 37-41, and ch. 1541, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
09 Apr 1878
Boundary between HARRISON and SCOTT was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 907, sec. 1/pp. 460-461)
02 Apr 1890
Boundary between HARRISON and BOURBON was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 482, secs. 1-2/pp. 1075-1076)


01 Apr 1819
HART created from BARREN and HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 352, sec. 1/pp. 648-652)
01 Feb 1825
HART lost to creation of EDMONSON. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 204, sec. 1/pp. 191-193; Ky. Acts 1887-1888, ch. 1133, secs. 1, 7/pp. 278-279)
20 Jan 1835
HART lost small area to BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1834-1835, 43d assy., ch. 598, secs. 1-2/p. 33)
24 May 1861
HART gained small area from METCALFE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 58, sec. 1/p. 50)
26 Mar 1878
HART lost small area to BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 658, sec. 1/p. 190)
15 Mar 1886
HART lost small area to LARUE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 262, sec. 1/p. 737)


15 May 1799
HENDERSON created from CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 57, sec. 1/pp. 76-78)
01 May 1807
HENDERSON lost to creation of HOPKINS. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 143-145)
01 Apr 1809
HENDERSON gained from OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 15/p. 19)
01 May 1811
HENDERSON lost to creation of UNION. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 220, sec. 1/pp. 41-43)
02 Mar 1860
HENDERSON lost to DAVIESS. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 1105, sec. 1/p. 710, and ch. 1282/p. 828)
01 Jul 1860
HENDERSON lost to creation of WEBSTER. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 822, sec. 1/pp. 76-78)
01 Jan 1862
Boundary between HENDERSON and WEBSTER was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 108/p. 11)

HENRIETTA (proposed)

26 Jan 1867
Legislature authorized creation of HENRIETTA (proposed) from MARSHALL and TRIGG, dependent on local referendum that failed. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1131, secs. 1, 9-10/pp. 12-15)


01 Jun 1799
HENRY created from SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 49, sec. 1/pp. 62-65)
01 Feb 1824
HENRY lost to creation of OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 602, sec. 1/pp. 328-329; Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)
25 Nov 1824
Boundary between HENRY and OLDHAM was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 17/p. 19)
12 Jan 1827
HENRY lost to FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 25/p. 34, and ch. 158/p. 187)
01 Mar 1837
HENRY lost to creation of TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 1/pp. 141-143, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 239-240, and ch. 369, sec. 6/pp. 249-250)
01 Mar 1838
HENRY gained from TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 773, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
15 Feb 1843
HENRY exchanged with TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 118/p. 20)
06 Mar 1850
HENRY gained small area from TRIMBLE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1849-1850, ch. 438, sec. 2/pp. 513-514)
01 Jan 1874
HENRY lost small area to OLDHAM [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1874_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1873-1874, ch. 28, sec. 1/p. 113)


19 Dec 1821
HICKMAN created from CALDWELL and LIVINGSTON; CALLOWAY, GRAVES, and McCRACKEN not fully organized, attached to HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
15 Jan 1823
CALLOWAY fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 411, sec. 1/pp. 86-88)
15 Jan 1824
GRAVES fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 610, sec. 1/pp. 338-339)
15 Jan 1825
McCRACKEN fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 48, sec. 1/pp. 40-42)
15 Feb 1838
Boundary between HICKMAN and McCRACKEN was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 848/p. 231)
23 May 1842
HICKMAN lost to creation of BALLARD. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 36-38)
01 Apr 1845
HICKMAN lost to creation of FULTON. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 44, sec. 1/pp. 11-14)
08 Mar 1854
HICKMAN gained from BALLARD. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 662/p. 89)
24 May 1861
HICKMAN gained small area from GRAVES to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 63, sec. 1/pp. 52-53)


01 May 1807
HOPKINS created from HENDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 143-145)
01 Mar 1820
HOPKINS gained from CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 477, secs. 1-2/pp. 839-841)
30 Jan 1847
Boundary between HOPKINS and CALDWELL was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1846-1847, ch. 118/p. 11)
01 Jul 1860
HOPKINS lost to creation of WEBSTER. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 822, sec. 1/pp. 76-78)


25 Apr 1858
JACKSON created from CLAY, ESTILL, LAUREL, MADISON, OWSLEY, and ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
04 Apr 1861
JACKSON lost to ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1861, Jan. called sess., ch. 370, sec. 1/p. 40)
04 Mar 1865
JACKSON lost small area to ROCKCASTLE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1865_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1335, sec. 1/p. 223)
12 Mar 1873
Boundary between JACKSON and CLAY was clarified to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 385, sec. 1/p. 493)
22 Mar 1873
JACKSON gained small area from ROCKCASTLE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 460, sec. 1/p. 11)
22 Apr 1882
JACKSON lost small area to ROCKCASTLE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1239, sec. 1/p. 761)


01 Nov 1780
JEFFERSON created by Virginia from KENTUCKY County (Va., extinct). (Hening, 10:315-317)
01 Aug 1782
JEFFERSON was included in Kentucky District (Va.), a special judicial district, which was created to serve Virginians living west of the Allegheny Mountains. This district became the state of Kentucky in 1792. (Hening, 11:85)
01 Jan 1785
JEFFERSON lost to creation of NELSON. (Hening, 11:469-470)
01 Jun 1792
JEFFERSON became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Sep 1792
JEFFERSON lost to creation of SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 9, sec. 1/pp. 17-18)
01 Jan 1797
JEFFERSON lost to creation of BULLITT and lost small area to NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 3-4)
01 Mar 1811
JEFFERSON lost to BULLITT. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 226, sec. 1/p. 50)
01 Feb 1824
JEFFERSON lost to creation of OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 602, sec. 1/pp. 328-329; Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)
13 Jan 1874
JEFFERSON lost to OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1873-1874, ch. 42, sec. 1/p. 7)
06 Mar 1878
Boundary between JEFFERSON and OLDHAM was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)


01 Feb 1799
JESSAMINE created from FAYETTE. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 62, sec. 1/pp. 121-123)
17 Feb 1868
Boundary between JESSAMINE and FAYETTE was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 464, sec. 1/p. 556)


01 Apr 1843
JOHNSON created from FLOYD and LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 27-29; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 299, sec. 2/p. 68)
25 Apr 1860
JOHNSON lost to creation of MAGOFFIN. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 437, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
01 May 1860
Boundary between JOHNSON and LAWRENCE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 996, secs. 2-3/pp. 622-623)
13 Mar 1869
Act of 1 May 1860, clarifying the boundary between JOHNSON and LAWRENCE, was repealed [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2010, sec. 1/pp. 284-285)
01 Sep 1870
JOHNSON lost to creation of MARTIN. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 554, sec. 1/pp. 35-38)
20 Mar 1878
JOHNSON exchanged with FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 597, secs. 1-2/p. 51)



30 Apr 1840
KENTON created from CAMPBELL. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 175, sec. 1/pp. 109-111)
01 Jan 1852
KENTON lost to GRANT. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 191/p. 509)
01 Mar 1866
KENTON gained small area from PENDLETON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 357, secs. 1, 3/p. 294)
03 Apr 1996
KENTON boundary with GRANT and PENDLETON was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1996, ch. 161/pp. 604-605)

KENTUCKY (Va., extinct)

31 Dec 1776
KENTUCKY County (Va., extinct) created by Virginia from FINCASTLE (Va., extinct); KENTUCKY County included all of the present state of Kentucky. (Hening, 9:257-261)
01 Nov 1780
KENTUCKY County (Va.) eliminated when Virginia created FAYETTE, JEFFERSON, and LINCOLN in present Kentucky. (Hening, 10:315-317)


15 May 1884
KNOTT created from BREATHITT, FLOYD, LETCHER, and PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1313, sec. 1/pp. 103-108)
12 May 1890
KNOTT gained from PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1446, sec. 1/p. 511)


02 Jun 1800
KNOX created from LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 74, sec. 1/pp. 152-154)
01 Apr 1805
KNOX gained from MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 76-77)
01 Apr 1807
KNOX gained from MADISON, lost to creation of CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 139-141)
01 Apr 1810
KNOX lost to creation of ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 16-19)
01 Apr 1818
KNOX lost to creation of WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 183, sec. 1/pp. 356-358)
01 Apr 1819
KNOX lost to creation of HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 341, sec. 1/pp. 631-633)
04 Feb 1820
KNOX lost to HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 495, sec. 1/p. 861)
02 Dec 1820
KNOX exchanged with HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 50, secs. 1-2/p. 66)
13 Feb 1826
KNOX gained small area from WHITLEY, lost to creation of LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 28-30)
24 Jan 1834
KNOX lost to LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 271/p. 354)
27 Jan 1838
KNOX gained from HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 663, sec. 1/p. 103)
01 Jan 1852
Boundary between KNOX and CLAY was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 203/pp. 513-514)
15 Feb 1856
KNOX gained small area from HARLAN [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 166/p. 36)
02 Mar 1865
KNOX gained small area from HARLAN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1255, sec. 1/p.75)
01 Aug 1867
KNOX lost to creation of JOSH BELL (now BELL). (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1553, sec. 1/pp. 47-50)
27 Mar 1872
KNOX lost small area to JOSH BELL (now BELL) [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1872_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 824, sec. 1/p. 74)
25 Feb 1876
KNOX lost small area to BELL [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1876_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 233, sec. 1/p. 374)
19 Apr 1882
KNOX gained small area from WHITLEY to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1882_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1151, sec. 1/p. 650)


01 Mar 1843
LARUE created from HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 210, sec. 1/pp. 31-32)
15 Mar 1886
LARUE gained small area from HART to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 262, sec. 1/p. 737)


13 Feb 1826
LAUREL created from CLAY, KNOX, ROCKCASTLE, and WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 28-30)
01 Mar 1830
LAUREL exchanged small areas with ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 282, sec. 1/pp. 119-120)
01 Mar 1831
LAUREL gained small area from ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 478/p. 84)
24 Jan 1834
LAUREL gained from KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 271/p. 354)
24 Feb 1849
LAUREL gained small area from CLAY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 427/p. 22)
25 Apr 1858
LAUREL lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
24 May 1861
LAUREL gained small area from ROCKCASTLE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 41, sec. 1/p. 36)
24 Feb 1871
LAUREL gained small area from ROCKCASTLE to accommodate local property owner. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1363, sec. 1/p. 33)
20 Mar 1876
LAUREL exchanged with WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 2, ch. 938, sec. 1/pp. 696-697)
03 Apr 1884
LAUREL lost small area to ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, ch. 546, sec. 1/p. 38)
26 Apr 1886
LAUREL gained small area from CLAY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, ch. 828, sec. 1/p. 225)
27 Feb 1890
LAUREL lost small area to CLAY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 259, sec. 1/p. 467)
28 Mar 1890
LAUREL gained small area from CLAY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 462, sec. 1/pp. 978-979)
22 Mar 1904
Boundary between LAUREL and CLAY was adjusted [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 209)


11 Feb 1822
LAWRENCE created from FLOYD and GREENUP. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 274, sec. 1/pp. 332-335)
29 Jan 1830
LAWRENCE gained from GREENUP. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 351/pp. 208-209)
13 Jan 1837
LAWRENCE lost to MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 85/p. 34)
01 May 1838
LAWRENCE lost to creation of CARTER. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 760, sec. 1/p. 162-164)
01 Apr 1843
LAWRENCE lost to creation of JOHNSON. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 27-29; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 299, sec. 2/p. 68)
12 Feb 1849
LAWRENCE boundary with FLOYD and PIKE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 211, sec. 1/p. 9)
04 Mar 1850
LAWRENCE gained from FLOYD and PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1849-1850, ch. 245, sec. 8/pp. 37-38)
09 Jan 1852
LAWRENCE gained from FLOYD, lost to PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 396, sec. 1/p. 699)
14 Jan 1854
LAWRENCE lost to MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 7/p. 1)
01 May 1860
LAWRENCE lost to creation of BOYD and lost to FLOYD (FLOYD loss was repealed 20 September 1861). Boundary between LAWRENCE and JOHNSON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 288, sec. 1/pp. 32-35, and ch. 996, secs. 1-3/pp. 622-623)
20 Sep 1861
LAWRENCE gained from FLOYD (repealed act of 1 May 1860). (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 41, sec. 1/p. 2)
13 Mar 1869
Act of 1 May 1860, clarifying the boundary between LAWRENCE and JOHNSON, was repealed [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2010, sec. 1/pp. 284-285)
01 Apr 1869
LAWRENCE lost to creation of ELLIOTT. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1297, sec. 1/pp. 69-73)
01 Sep 1870
LAWRENCE lost to creation of MARTIN. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 554, sec. 1/pp. 35-38)
08 Mar 1878
LAWRENCE lost to MARTIN. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 378, sec. 1/p. 437)


01 Mar 1870
LEE created from BREATHITT, ESTILL, OWSLEY, and WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 202, sec. 1/pp. 14-18)
03 Mar 1871
Boundary between LEE and BREATHITT was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1400, sec. 1/p. 38)
25 Mar 1873
Boundary between LEE and ESTILL was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 545, sec. 1/p. 26)
30 Apr 1888
LEE gained small area from OWSLEY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1372, sec. 1/pp. 651-652)
12 Feb 1890
LEE gained small area from OWSLEY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 147, sec. 1/p. 233)
29 Apr 1890
LEE gained small area from ESTILL to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 2, ch. 1126, sec. 1/p. 1597)
24 May 1890
LEE exchanged with WOLFE, gained small area from BREATHITT [for location of change with BREATHITT see 1890_pt.shp; change too small to display on interactive map]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1807, sec. 1/p. 1483)


15 Apr 1878
LESLIE created from CLAY and PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 666, sec. 1/pp. 70-74)
19 Mar 1890
LESLIE gained from PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 371, sec. 1/p. 723)


01 Apr 1842
LETCHER created from HARLAN and PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 394, sec. 1/pp. 88-90; Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 65/p. 16; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 88/p. 17)
10 Mar 1856
LETCHER gained small area from PERRY to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 611/p. 91)
03 Feb 1858
LETCHER exchanged with PERRY. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 197/p. 25)
17 Feb 1864
LETCHER lost small area to HARLAN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped; act repealed 22 March 1873]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 386, sec. 1/pp. 416-417)
22 Mar 1873
LETCHER gained small area from HARLAN (repealed act of 17 February 1864) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 527, sec. 1/p. 73)
24 Apr 1884
LETCHER gained from PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 2, ch. 995, sec. 1/pp. 351-352)
15 May 1884
LETCHER lost to creation of KNOTT. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1313, sec. 1/pp. 103-108)


01 Apr 1807
LEWIS created from MASON. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/p. 145-147)
08 Jan 1838
Boundary between LEWIS and GREENUP was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 531, sec. 1/pp. 34-35)
09 Mar 1868
LEWIS gained small area from CARTER to accommodate local property owners [not mapped; act repealed 18 March 1871]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 1195, sec. 1/p. 622)
18 Mar 1871
LEWIS lost small area to CARTER (repealed act of 9 March 1868) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1672, sec. 1/p. 69)
27 Mar 1890
LEWIS lost small area to MASON to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1890_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 450, sec. 1/p. 960)
09 Feb 1904
LEWIS lost to creation of BECKHAM (extinct). (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 27-30)
29 Apr 1904
LEWIS gained from BECKHAM when creation of BECKHAM was overturned by court decision on constitutional grounds; BECKHAM eliminated. (Correspondence, Kentucky Historical Society, October 1991)


01 Nov 1780
LINCOLN created by Virginia from KENTUCKY County (Va., extinct). (Hening, 10:315-317)
01 Aug 1782
LINCOLN was included in Kentucky District (Va.), a special judicial district, which was created to serve Virginians living west of the Allegheny Mountains. This district became the state of Kentucky in 1792. (Hening, 11:85)
01 Aug 1786
LINCOLN lost to creation of MADISON and MERCER. (Hening, 12:118-120)
01 Jun 1792
LINCOLN became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Sep 1792
LINCOLN lost to creation of LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 19-20)
01 Jan 1793
LINCOLN lost to creation of GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 44, sec. 1/pp. 46-47)
01 Jun 1797
LINCOLN gained small area from MADISON, lost to creation of GARRARD. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 38-39)
01 Jun 1799
LINCOLN lost to creation of PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 1, sec. 1/pp. 3-5)
02 Jun 1800
LINCOLN lost to creation of KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 74, sec. 1/pp. 152-154)
19 Dec 1801
LINCOLN lost to GARRARD. (Ky. Acts 1801, 10th assy., ch. 64, sec. 1/pp. 64-65)
04 May 1807
LINCOLN lost to creation of CASEY. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 78-81)
19 Feb 1808
LINCOLN gained from CASEY. (Ky. Acts 1807-1808, 16th assy., ch. 74, sec. 1/pp. 117-118)
01 Mar 1810
LINCOLN lost small area to MERCER [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1810_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 95, sec. 1/p. 8)
01 Apr 1810
LINCOLN lost to creation of ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 16-19)
28 Jan 1814
Boundary between LINCOLN and CASEY was clarified [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1813-1814, 22d assy., ch. 140, secs. 6-7/pp. 176-178)
01 Mar 1842
LINCOLN lost to creation of BOYLE. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 189, sec. 1/pp. 39-41, and ch. 365/p. 270)
15 Feb 1843
LINCOLN gained small area from CASEY to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 126/p. 21)
13 Apr 1880
Boundary between LINCOLN and CASEY was redefined to accommodate local property owners [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 955, sec. 1/p. 385)


21 May 1799
LIVINGSTON created from CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 61, sec. 1/pp. 119-121)
01 May 1809
LIVINGSTON lost to creation of CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 33, sec. 1/pp. 40-42)
19 Dec 1821
LIVINGSTON lost to creation of CALLOWAY, GRAVES, HICKMAN, and McCRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
01 Feb 1838
LIVINGSTON gained from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 719, sec. 1/p. 140)
01 Apr 1842
LIVINGSTON lost to creation of CRITTENDEN. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 97, sec. 1/pp. 22-23)
20 Feb 1844
Boundary between LIVINGSTON and McCRACKEN was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 188/p. 32)
02 Feb 1848
LIVINGSTON gained from CRITTENDEN. (Ky. Acts 1847-1848, ch. 169, secs. 1, 5/pp. 14-15)


01 Sep 1792
LOGAN created from LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 12, sec. 1/pp. 19-20)
01 Mar 1797
LOGAN lost to creation of CHRISTIAN and WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 13-14, and sec. 1/pp. 9-10)
06 Feb 1798
Boundary between LOGAN and WARREN was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1798, 6th assy., 2d sess., ch. 33/pp. 55-56; Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 5, sec. 1/p. 10)
15 May 1799
LOGAN lost to creation of MUHLENBERG. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 65, sec. 1/pp. 128-130)
01 May 1810
LOGAN lost to creation of BUTLER. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 119, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
29 Dec 1813
LOGAN lost small area to BUTLER. (Ky. Acts 1813-1814, 22d assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 129-130)
01 Apr 1819
LOGAN lost to creation of SIMPSON. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 342, sec. 1/pp. 633-637)
01 Apr 1820
LOGAN lost to creation of TODD. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 817-819)
01 Feb 1822
LOGAN lost to TODD. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 246, sec. 1/pp. 306-307)
01 Feb 1823
LOGAN exchanged with TODD. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 461, sec. 1/pp. 148-149)
14 Jan 1869
LOGAN lost to SIMPSON. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1241, sec. 1/pp. 2-3; Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 20, sec. 1/p. 202)


01 Apr 1854
LYON created from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 2-5, and ch. 471, sec. 9/pp. 68-69)
20 Jan 1863
LYON lost to CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1863, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 701, sec. 1/p. 404)


01 Aug 1786
MADISON created by Virginia from LINCOLN. (Hening, 12:118-120)
01 Jun 1792
MADISON became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Jun 1797
MADISON lost to creation of GARRARD and lost small area to LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 38-39)
01 Jan 1800
MADISON lost to GARRARD. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 70, sec. 1/pp. 146-147)
01 Jun 1800
MADISON gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 150-152)
19 Dec 1801
MADISON lost small area to GARRARD. (Ky. Acts 1801, 10th assy., ch. 64, sec. 1/pp. 64-65)
01 Apr 1805
MADISON lost to KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1804, 13th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 76-77)
01 Apr 1807
MADISON lost to creation of CLAY, and lost to FLOYD and KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/pp. 139-141)
01 Apr 1808
MADISON lost to creation of ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1807-1808, 16th assy., ch. 38, sec. 1/pp. 64-66, and ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 66-67)
01 Apr 1810
MADISON lost to creation of ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 16-19)
01 Mar 1812
MADISON gained from CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1811-1812, 20th assy., ch. 392, sec. 1/p. 218)
21 Dec 1821
MADISON lost to ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 343, sec. 1/pp. 444-445)
25 Apr 1858
MADISON lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)


25 Apr 1860
MAGOFFIN created from FLOYD, JOHNSON, and MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 437, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)


01 Mar 1834
MARION created from WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 285, sec. 1/pp. 367-369)
22 Feb 1837
Boundary between MARION and WASHINGTON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 390/p. 261)
07 Feb 1845
MARION gained small area from WASHINGTON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 172/p. 32)
15 Mar 1869
MARION gained small area from WASHINGTON to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2103, sec. 1/p. 354)


01 Jun 1842
MARSHALL created from CALLOWAY. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 180, sec. 1/pp. 33-34)
26 Jan 1867
Legislature authorized creation of HENRIETTA (proposed) from MARSHALL and TRIGG, dependent on local referendum that failed [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1131, secs. 1, 9-10/pp. 12-15)


01 Sep 1870
MARTIN created from FLOYD, JOHNSON, LAWRENCE, and PIKE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 554, sec. 1/pp. 35-38)
08 Mar 1878
MARTIN gained from LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 378, sec. 1/p. 437)
31 Mar 1880
MARTIN lost small area to PIKE to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1880_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 1, ch. 653, sec. 1/p. 663)


01 May 1789
MASON created by Virginia from BOURBON. (Hening, 12:658-659)
01 Jun 1792
MASON became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
10 May 1795
MASON lost to creation of CAMPBELL and lost small area to HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp, 19-21)
01 Jun 1797
MASON lost to creation of BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 5-6)
01 Mar 1798
MASON lost to creation of FLEMING. (Ky. Acts 1798, 6th assy., 2d sess., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 53-55)
01 Jun 1800
MASON lost to creation of FLOYD and NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 11, secs. 1, 6/pp. 31-33 and ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 150-152)
01 Feb 1804
MASON lost to creation of GREENUP. (Ky. Acts 1803, 12th assy., ch. 76, sec. 1/pp. 113-115)
01 Apr 1807
MASON lost to creation of LEWIS. (Ky. Acts 1806, 15th assy., sec. 1/p. 145-147)
08 Mar 1854
MASON lost small area to BRACKEN to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1854_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 643, sec. 1/p. 89)
01 Aug 1867
MASON lost to creation of ROBERTSON. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1317, sec. 1/pp. 37-41, and ch. 1541, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
05 Mar 1868
MASON gained small area from ROBERTSON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 759, sec. 1/pp. 207-208)
18 Feb 1888
MASON lost small area to FLEMING [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 199, sec. 1/p. 402)
27 Mar 1890
MASON gained small area from LEWIS to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1890_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 450, sec. 1/p. 960)


19 Dec 1821
McCRACKEN created from LIVINGSTON; McCRACKEN not fully organized, attached to HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 312, secs. 1, 8/pp. 390-395)
15 Jan 1825
McCRACKEN fully organized, detached from HICKMAN. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 48, sec. 1/pp. 40-42)
15 Feb 1838
Boundary between McCRACKEN and HICKMAN was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 848/p. 231)
23 May 1842
McCRACKEN lost to creation of BALLARD. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 36-38)
20 Feb 1844
Boundary between McCRACKEN and LIVINGSTON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 188/p. 32)


12 Mar 1912
McCREARY created from PULASKI, WAYNE, and WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1912, ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 184-192)


08 May 1854
McLEAN created from DAVIESS, MUHLENBERG, and OHIO. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 7-10)
01 Mar 1862
McLEAN gained small area from DAVIESS to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1862_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1862, Feb. adj. sess., ch. 426, sec. 1/pp. 64-65)
10 Feb 1872
Boundary between McLEAN and MUHLENBERG was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 258, secs. 1, 5/pp. 21-22)


22 Mar 1824
MEADE created from BRECKINRIDGE and HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 609, sec. 1/pp. 336-338)


01 May 1869
MENIFEE created from BATH, MONTGOMERY, MORGAN, POWELL, and WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
10 Mar 1870
MENIFEE gained small area from BATH to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 571, sec. 1/p. 39)
09 Apr 1878
MENIFEE lost small area to BATH to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1878_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 1014, sec. 1/p. 586)
22 Apr 1880
MENIFEE gained from POWELL, exchanged with WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 1036, secs. 1-2/p. 484)
07 Apr 1886
MENIFEE gained small area from MORGAN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 536, secs. 1-3/pp. 1219-1220)
30 Apr 1888
MENIFEE lost small area to POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1379, sec. 1/p. 657)


01 Aug 1786
MERCER created by Virginia from LINCOLN. (Hening, 12:118-120)
01 Jun 1792
MERCER became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
10 May 1795
MERCER lost to creation of FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp. 19-21)
01 Jun 1797
MERCER lost to creation of GARRARD. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 38-39)
01 Mar 1810
MERCER gained small area from LINCOLN [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1810_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 95, sec. 1/p. 8)
01 Mar 1821
MERCER gained from CASEY. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 139, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
20 Jan 1827
MERCER lost to creation of ANDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 44-47, and ch. 46, sec. 1/p. 55)
01 Mar 1842
MERCER lost to creation of BOYLE. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 189, sec. 1/pp. 39-41, and ch. 365/p. 270)
29 Feb 1844
MERCER gained small area from BOYLE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 271, sec. 3/pp. 50-51)
27 Feb 1860
MERCER gained small area from WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 660, sec. 1/p. 311)
23 Feb 1878
MERCER lost to ANDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 239, sec. 1/pp. 245-246)
12 May 1884
MERCER lost small area to ANDERSON to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1579, sec. 1/pp. 190-191)
15 Apr 1890
MERCER gained from WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 2, ch. 756, secs. 1-4, 7/pp. 508-510; vol. 3, ch. 1797, secs. 1-3/pp. 1471-1472)
26 May 1890
MERCER gained from ANDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1859, sec. 1/p. 1579)


07 May 1860
METCALFE created from ADAIR, BARREN, CUMBERLAND, GREEN, and MONROE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
24 May 1861
METCALFE lost small areas to BARREN and HART to accommodate local property owners [loss to BARREN was repealed 3 October 1861; not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 58, sec. 1/p. 50)
01 Oct 1861
METCALFE gained from ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 111, sec. 1/pp. 11-12)
03 Oct 1861
METCALFE gained small area from BARREN (repealed act of 24 May 1861 and was in turn repealed 2 March 1863) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 164, sec. 1/p. 19)
02 Mar 1863
METCALFE lost small area to BARREN (repealed act of 3 October 1861) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1863, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 969, secs. 1-2/p. 364)
17 Feb 1866
METCALFE gained from CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 726, sec. 1/pp. 625-626)
21 Mar 1870
METCALFE lost small area to BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 2, ch. 954, sec. 1/p. 662)
13 Mar 1876
METCALFE gained small area from BARREN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 2, ch. 675, sec. 1/p. 417)
22 Apr 1886
METCALFE gained small area from BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 2, ch. 737, sec. 1/pp. 98-99)
31 Dec 1939
[by 31 December 1939] METCALFE lost to CUMBERLAND. (Rand McNally Commercial Atlas, 1939, p. 157)


01 Apr 1820
MONROE created from BARREN and CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 474, sec. 1/pp. 834-838)
01 Feb 1825
MONROE lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 127, sec. 1/pp. 131-132)
20 Jan 1830
MONROE gained from CUMBERLAND. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 256, sec. 1/p. 76)
07 May 1860
MONROE lost to creation of METCALFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 104, sec. 1/pp. 11-14, ch. 524/p. 50, ch. 617, sec. 1/p. 57, and ch. 825, sec. 3/p. 82)
04 Apr 1861
MONROE gained small area from BARREN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Jan. called sess., ch. 382, sec. 1/p. 41)


01 Mar 1797
MONTGOMERY created from CLARK. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 4-5)
01 Jun 1800
MONTGOMERY lost to creation of FLOYD and lost to MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 150-152)
04 Feb 1811
MONTGOMERY lost to creation of BATH. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 221, sec. 1/pp. 43-45)
06 May 1816
MONTGOMERY lost to ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 306, sec. 1/p. 503)
17 Jan 1818
MONTGOMERY lost to FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 182, sec. 1/p. 352)
10 May 1852
MONTGOMERY lost to creation of POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 325, sec. 1/pp. 29-32)
01 May 1869
MONTGOMERY lost to creation of MENIFEE and lost small area to BATH. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
01 Jan 1870
Boundary between MONTGOMERY and BOURBON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 31, secs. 1, 5/pp. 34-35)


10 Mar 1823
MORGAN created from BATH and FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 145-147)
07 Jan 1824
MORGAN gained from FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 725, sec. 1/pp. 468-469)
13 Jan 1837
MORGAN gained from LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 85/p. 34)
16 Dec 1839
MORGAN gained from FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 22/p. 17)
14 Jan 1854
MORGAN gained from LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 7/p. 1)
06 Mar 1854
MORGAN gained from POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 554/pp. 77-78)
01 May 1856
MORGAN lost to creation of ROWAN. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 27, sec. 1/pp. 4-7)
25 Apr 1860
MORGAN lost to creation of MAGOFFIN. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 437, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
01 Jul 1860
MORGAN lost to creation of WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 1326, sec. 1/pp. 138-141)
18 Dec 1865
MORGAN lost to WOLFE (act partially repealed 17 February 1866, and fully repealed 20 February 1868). (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 45, sec. 1/pp. 29-30)
17 Feb 1866
MORGAN exchanged with WOLFE (partially repealed act of 18 December 1865 and was in turn repealed 20 February 1868). (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 705, secs. 1-2/pp. 617-618)
20 Feb 1868
MORGAN gained from WOLFE (repealed acts of 18 December 1865 and 17 February 1866). (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 524, sec. 1/p. 610)
01 Apr 1869
MORGAN lost to creation of ELLIOTT. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1297, sec. 1/pp. 69-73)
01 May 1869
MORGAN lost to creation of MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
28 Jan 1870
MORGAN exchanged small areas with ELLIOTT to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1870_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 182, sec. 1/p. 14)
04 Apr 1878
MORGAN lost to WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 770, secs. 1-2/pp. 308-309)
06 Mar 1882
Boundary between MORGAN and WOLFE was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 1, ch. 367, sec. 1/p. 37)
07 Apr 1886
MORGAN lost small areas to MENIFEE and WOLFE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 536, secs. 1-3/pp. 1219-1220)


15 May 1799
MUHLENBERG created from CHRISTIAN and LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 65, sec. 1/pp. 128-130)
04 Dec 1800
MUHLENBERG gained from CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 10, sec. 1/p. 33)
08 May 1854
MUHLENBERG lost to creation of McLEAN. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 7-10)
10 Feb 1872
Boundary between MUHLENBERG and McLEAN was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 258, secs. 1, 5/pp. 21-22)
22 May 1890
MUHLENBERG gained from BUTLER. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1734, secs. 1-2/p. 1307)


01 Jan 1785
NELSON created by Virginia from JEFFERSON. (Hening, 11:469-470)
01 Jun 1792
NELSON became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Sep 1792
NELSON lost to creation of WASHINGTON. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 2, sec. 1/p. 4)
01 Jan 1793
NELSON lost to creation of GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 44, sec.1/pp. 46-47)
20 Feb 1793
NELSON lost to creation of HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 2d sess., ch. 17, sec. 1/pp. 22-23)
01 Jan 1797
NELSON gained small area from JEFFERSON, lost to creation of BULLITT. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 3-4)
15 Jan 1824
NELSON gained small area along Salt River meander from SHELBY, lost to creation of SPENCER. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 708, sec. 1/pp. 441-443)


01 Jun 1800
NICHOLAS created from BOURBON and MASON. (Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., ch. 11, secs. 1, 6/pp. 31-33)
Jan 1810
NICHOLAS boundaries were clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 13)
01 Sep 1816
NICHOLAS lost to FLEMING and HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 351, secs. 1, 3-4/pp. 573-574)
01 Mar 1817
NICHOLAS gained from BOURBON, lost small area to HARRISON [area lost by NICHOLAS too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1817_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1816-1817, 25th assy., ch. 27, secs. 1, 5/pp. 44-45)
01 Jan 1824
NICHOLAS gained from FLEMING. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 603, secs. 1, 3/p. 330)
29 Feb 1844
NICHOLAS lost to BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 268/p. 49; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 271, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
21 Feb 1846
NICHOLAS lost small area to BRACKEN [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 277/p. 16)
01 Aug 1867
NICHOLAS lost to creation of ROBERTSON. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1317, sec. 1/pp. 37-41, and ch. 1541, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)


01 Jul 1799
OHIO created from HARDIN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 73, sec. 1/pp. 164-166; Ky. Acts 1799, 8th assy., res., pp. 211-212)
01 Apr 1809
OHIO lost to HENDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1808-1809, 17th assy., ch. 15/p. 19)
01 Apr 1810
OHIO gained small areas on the Rough River and on Bear Creek from HARDIN, lost to creation of GRAYSON. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 133, sec. 1/pp. 68-70)
01 May 1810
OHIO lost to creation of BUTLER. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 119, sec. 1/pp. 44-47)
01 Jun 1815
OHIO lost to creation of DAVIESS. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 190, sec. 1/pp. 265-267)
14 Dec 1815
OHIO gained small area from DAVIESS [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1815_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 274, sec. 1/p. 462)
02 Jan 1819
OHIO boundaries were clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 319/p. 607)
23 Mar 1829
OHIO lost to creation of HANCOCK. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 32, sec. 1/pp. 30-32)
01 Mar 1830
OHIO lost to DAVIESS. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 306, sec. 1/pp. 149-150)
25 Dec 1831
OHIO lost to BRECKINRIDGE. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 471, secs. 1, 3/pp. 79-80)
08 May 1854
OHIO lost to creation of McLEAN. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 7-10)
15 Mar 1871
OHIO lost to BUTLER. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1595, sec. 1/p. 64)


01 Feb 1824
OLDHAM created from HENRY, JEFFERSON, and SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 602, sec. 1/pp. 328-329; Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)
25 Nov 1824
Boundary between OLDHAM and HENRY was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 17/p. 19)
14 Jan 1833
OLDHAM lost to SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1832-1833, 41st assy., ch. 74/p. 72)
01 Mar 1837
OLDHAM lost to creation of TRIMBLE. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 1/pp. 141-143, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 239-240, and ch. 369, sec. 6/pp. 249-250)
28 Feb 1842
OLDHAM lost small area to TRIMBLE [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1842_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 269-270)
01 Jan 1852
OLDHAM gained small area from SHELBY [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 193/p. 510)
03 Mar 1856
OLDHAM gained small area from SHELBY to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 273, sec. 1/p. 49)
01 Jan 1874
OLDHAM gained small area from HENRY [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1874_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1873-1874, ch. 28, sec. 1/p. 113)
13 Jan 1874
OLDHAM gained from JEFFERSON. (Ky. Acts 1873-1874, ch. 42, sec. 1/p. 7)
06 Mar 1878
Boundary between OLDHAM and JEFFERSON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)


01 Jan 1735
[1 January 1734/1735] ORANGE (Va.) created by Virginia from SPOTSYLVANIA (Va.); ORANGE extended westward to "the utmost limits of Virginia," including all of present Kentucky and West Virginia, and part of present Virginia. (Hening, 4:450-451)
15 Dec 1738
ORANGE (Va.) lost to creation of AUGUSTA (Va.) and FREDERICK (Va.); ORANGE (Va.) eliminated from present Kentucky. AUGUSTA (Va.) not fully organized, attached to ORANGE (Va.); ORANGE jurisdiction over Kentucky continued indirectly through the attachment of AUGUSTA (Va.). (Hening, 5:78-80; Robinson, 43, 50)


01 Apr 1819
OWEN created from FRANKLIN, GALLATIN, PENDLETON, and SCOTT. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 387, sec. 1/pp. 702-705)
16 Nov 1820
OWEN lost to FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 23/p. 31)
01 Mar 1821
OWEN gained from GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 154, sec. 1/pp. 196-197)
01 Mar 1828
OWEN gained from GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 92, sec. 1/p. 97)
31 Aug 1862
OWEN lost small area to GRANT to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1862, Aug. called sess., ch. 665, sec. 1/p. 312)
09 Feb 1876
OWEN lost to GRANT. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 132, sec. 1/p. 268)


01 Jun 1843
OWSLEY created from BREATHITT, CLAY, and ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 43, secs. 1, 6/pp. 11-13)
01 Mar 1844
OWSLEY lost small area to BREATHITT to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1844_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 299, sec. 1/pp. 68-69)
01 Mar 1854
OWSLEY lost to ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 394/p. 65)
25 Apr 1858
OWSLEY lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
03 Mar 1860
OWSLEY gained from BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 1264, sec. 1/p. 822)
01 Jul 1860
OWSLEY lost to creation of WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 1326, sec. 1/pp. 138-141)
01 Mar 1870
OWSLEY lost to creation of LEE and lost small area to ESTILL. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 202, sec. 1/pp. 14-18)
30 Apr 1888
OWSLEY lost small area to LEE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1372, sec. 1/pp. 651-652)
12 Feb 1890
OWSLEY lost small area to LEE to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 147, sec. 1/p. 233)


10 May 1799
PENDLETON created from BRACKEN and CAMPBELL. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 47, sec. 1/pp. 59-61)
Jan 1810
PENDLETON boundaries were clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 99, secs. 1-2/p. 13)
01 Apr 1819
PENDLETON lost to creation of OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 387, sec. 1/pp. 702-705)
01 Apr 1820
PENDLETON lost to creation of GRANT. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 561, sec. 1/pp. 944-946)
01 Mar 1866
PENDLETON lost small area to KENTON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 357, secs. 1, 3/p. 294)
22 Apr 1882
PENDLETON gained small area from BRACKEN. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1293, sec. 1/p. 843)
03 Apr 1996
PENDLETON boundary with KENTON was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1996, ch. 161/pp. 604-605)


26 Feb 1821
PERRY created from CLAY and FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 9, sec. 1/pp. 15-18, and ch. 124, sec. 3/pp. 152-153)
01 Apr 1839
PERRY lost to creation of BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1192, sec. 1/pp. 144-145)
28 Jan 1841
PERRY lost to HARLAN. (Ky. Acts 1840-1841, reg. sess., ch. 160/p. 26)
01 Apr 1842
PERRY lost to creation of LETCHER. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 394, sec. 1/pp. 88-90; Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 65/p. 16; Ky. Acts 1843-1844, ch. 88/p. 17)
12 Jan 1843
PERRY gained from CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 4, sec. 1/pp. 9-10)
21 Feb 1846
PERRY lost to BREATHITT. (Ky. Acts 1845-1846, ch. 284/p. 16)
27 Feb 1849
PERRY gained small area from BREATHITT to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1849_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 627/p. 40)
22 Nov 1850
PERRY gained from CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1850-1851, vol. 1, ch. 20/p. 3)
09 Dec 1850
PERRY lost to CLAY. (Ky. Acts 1850-1851, vol. 1, ch. 57/p. 14)
10 Mar 1856
PERRY lost small areas to BREATHITT and LETCHER to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 611/p. 91)
03 Feb 1858
PERRY exchanged with LETCHER. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 197/p. 25)
08 Mar 1878
PERRY lost small area to BREATHITT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 423-424)
15 Apr 1878
PERRY lost to creation of LESLIE. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 666, sec. 1/pp. 70-74)
15 May 1884
PERRY lost to creation of KNOTT. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 1, ch. 1313, sec. 1/pp. 103-108)
19 Mar 1890
PERRY lost to LESLIE. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 1, ch. 371, sec. 1/p. 723)
12 May 1890
PERRY lost to KNOTT. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1446, sec. 1/p. 511)


01 Mar 1822
PIKE created from FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 297, sec. 1/pp. 371-374)
22 Jan 1829
Boundary between PIKE and FLOYD was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1828-1829, 37th assy., ch. 95, sec. 1/pp. 85-86)
28 Feb 1842
PIKE gained small area from FLOYD to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1842_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 362, sec. 2/pp. 269-270)
10 Feb 1845
PIKE lost small area to FLOYD to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1845_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 254, sec. 3/pp. 195-196)
12 Feb 1849
PIKE boundary with FLOYD and LAWRENCE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1848-1849, ch. 211, sec. 1/p. 9)
04 Mar 1850
PIKE lost to LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1849-1850, ch. 245, sec. 8/pp. 37-38)
09 Jan 1852
PIKE gained from LAWRENCE. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 396, sec. 1/p. 699)
01 Sep 1870
PIKE lost to creation of MARTIN. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 554, sec. 1/pp. 35-38)
31 Mar 1880
PIKE gained small area from MARTIN to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1880_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 1, ch. 653, sec. 1/p. 663)
22 Apr 1880
Boundary between PIKE and FLOYD was redefined to accommodate local property owners [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 1082, sec. 1/p. 563)
24 Apr 1884
PIKE lost to LETCHER. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 2, ch. 995, sec. 1/pp. 351-352)
12 Jan 1888
PIKE gained from FLOYD. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 6, sec. 1/pp. 3-4)


10 May 1852
POWELL created from CLARK, ESTILL, and MONTGOMERY. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 325, sec. 1/pp. 29-32)
06 Mar 1854
POWELL lost to MORGAN, exchanged with BATH. (Ky. Acts 1853-1854, vol. 1, ch. 549/p. 77 and ch. 554/pp. 77-78)
01 Jul 1860
POWELL lost to creation of WOLFE. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 1326, sec. 1/pp. 138-141)
01 May 1869
POWELL lost to creation of MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
22 Apr 1880
POWELL lost to MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 1036, secs. 1-2/p. 484)
19 Apr 1884
POWELL gained small area from ESTILL [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1884_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, vol. 2, ch. 920, sec. 1/p. 201)
30 Apr 1888
POWELL gained small area from MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 3, ch. 1379, sec. 1/p. 657)
09 May 1890
Boundary between POWELL and ESTILL was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1355, sec. 1/p. 367)
Mar 1972
POWELL gained small area from ESTILL to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1972_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1972, ch. 38/pp. 128-129)


01 Jun 1799
PULASKI created from GREEN and LINCOLN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 1, sec. 1/pp. 3-5)
01 Mar 1801
PULASKI lost to creation of WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 66-68)
01 Apr 1810
PULASKI lost to creation of ROCKCASTLE. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 16-19)
01 Feb 1818
PULASKI exchanged with WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1816-1817, 25th assy., ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 234-235)
01 Feb 1826
PULASKI lost to WHITLEY. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 97, sec. 1/pp. 91-93)
08 Jan 1831
PULASKI lost to WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 433, sec. 1/p. 47)
01 Mar 1840
PULASKI lost to RUSSELL. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1376/pp. 334-335)
12 Mar 1912
PULASKI lost to creation of McCREARY. (Ky. Acts 1912, ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 184-192)


01 Aug 1867
ROBERTSON created from BRACKEN, HARRISON, MASON, and NICHOLAS. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1317, sec. 1/pp. 37-41, and ch. 1541, sec. 1/pp. 50-51)
05 Mar 1868
ROBERTSON lost small area to MASON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 2, ch. 759, sec. 1/pp. 207-208)


01 Apr 1810
ROCKCASTLE created from KNOX, LINCOLN, MADISON, and PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1809-1810, 18th assy., ch. 102, sec. 1/pp. 16-19)
21 Dec 1821
ROCKCASTLE gained from MADISON. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 343, sec. 1/pp. 444-445)
13 Feb 1826
ROCKCASTLE lost to creation of LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 28-30)
01 Mar 1830
ROCKCASTLE exchanged small areas with LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1829-1830, 38th assy., ch. 282, sec. 1/pp. 119-120)
01 Mar 1831
ROCKCASTLE lost small area to LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 478/p. 84)
25 Apr 1858
ROCKCASTLE lost to creation of JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 167, sec. 1/pp. 18-22, and res. 13, p. 103)
04 Apr 1861
ROCKCASTLE gained from JACKSON. (Ky. Acts 1861, Jan. called sess., ch. 370, sec. 1/p. 40)
24 May 1861
ROCKCASTLE lost small area to LAUREL to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, May called sess., ch. 41, sec. 1/p. 36)
04 Mar 1865
ROCKCASTLE gained small area from JACKSON to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1865_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1865, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1335, sec. 1/p. 223)
24 Feb 1871
ROCKCASTLE lost small area to LAUREL to accommodate local property owner. (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1363, sec. 1/p. 33)
22 Mar 1873
ROCKCASTLE lost small area to JACKSON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1873, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 460, sec. 1/p. 11)
22 Apr 1882
ROCKCASTLE gained small area from JACKSON to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1239, sec. 1/p. 761)
03 Apr 1884
ROCKCASTLE gained small area from LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1883-1884, ch. 546, sec. 1/p. 38)


01 May 1856
ROWAN created from FLEMING and MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 27, sec. 1/pp. 4-7)
18 Sep 1861
ROWAN gained small area from CARTER to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 24, sec. 1/p. 1)
21 Mar 1872
Boundary between ROWAN and ELLIOTT was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1871-1872, vol. 1, ch. 689, sec. 1/p. 59)
15 Apr 1882
ROWAN gained small area from ELLIOTT to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1049, sec. 1/p. 502)
22 Apr 1882
ROWAN gained small area from CARTER to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1253, sec. 1/p. 769)
09 Feb 1904
ROWAN lost to creation of BECKHAM (extinct). (Ky. Acts 1904, ch. 5, sec. 1/pp. 27-30)
29 Apr 1904
ROWAN gained from BECKHAM when creation of BECKHAM was overturned by court decision on constitutional grounds; BECKHAM eliminated. (Correspondence, Kentucky Historical Society, October 1991)


01 Apr 1826
RUSSELL created from ADAIR, CUMBERLAND, and WAYNE. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 40-44)
01 Mar 1840
RUSSELL gained from PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1838-1839, ch. 1376/pp. 334-335)
16 Feb 1841
RUSSELL lost small area to CLINTON to accommodate local property owner (act repealed 7 February 1868) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1840-1841, reg. sess., ch. 328/p. 222)
15 Feb 1864
RUSSELL lost small area to CASEY to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1864_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1863-1864, ch. 332, sec. 1/p. 383)
07 Feb 1868
RUSSELL gained small area from CLINTON (repealed act of 16 February 1841) [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 353, sec. 1/p. 477)


01 Sep 1792
SCOTT created from WOODFORD. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 3, sec. 1/pp. 4-5)
01 Feb 1794
SCOTT lost to creation of HARRISON. (Ky. Acts 1793, 2d assy., ch. 24, sec. 1/pp. 29-31)
10 May 1795
SCOTT lost to creation of CAMPBELL. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp, 19-21)
01 Apr 1819
SCOTT lost to creation of OWEN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 387, sec. 1/pp. 702-705)
10 Feb 1845
SCOTT gained small area from FRANKLIN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 266, sec. 4/p. 202)
05 Mar 1869
SCOTT gained small area from FRANKLIN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1744, sec. 1/p. 1)
09 Apr 1878
Boundary between SCOTT and HARRISON was redefined [no discernible change]. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 907, sec. 1/pp. 460-461)


01 Sep 1792
SHELBY created from JEFFERSON. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 9, sec. 1/pp. 17-18)
10 May 1795
SHELBY lost to creation of FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp. 19-21)
13 May 1799
SHELBY lost to creation of GALLATIN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 58, sec. 1/pp. 79-81)
01 Jun 1799
SHELBY lost to creation of HENRY. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 49, sec. 1/pp. 62-65)
01 Mar 1820
SHELBY lost to FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 477, secs. 1-2/pp. 839-841)
15 Jan 1824
SHELBY lost to creation of SPENCER and lost small area along Salt River meander to NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 708, sec. 1/pp. 441-443)
01 Feb 1824
SHELBY lost to creation of OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 602, sec. 1/pp. 328-329; Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 1, ch. 281, sec. 1/p. 345)
14 Jan 1833
SHELBY gained from OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1832-1833, 41st assy., ch. 74/p. 72)
01 Jan 1852
SHELBY lost small area to OLDHAM [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1852_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1851-1852, ch. 193/p. 510)
03 Mar 1856
SHELBY lost small area to OLDHAM to accommodate local property owners [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1856_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1855-1856, vol. 1, ch. 273, sec. 1/p. 49)


01 Apr 1819
SIMPSON created from ALLEN, LOGAN, and WARREN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 342, sec. 1/pp. 633-637)
09 Dec 1820
SIMPSON gained from ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1820, 29th assy., ch. 90, sec. 1/pp. 110-111)
15 Nov 1822
SIMPSON lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 380, sec. 1/p. 51)
Nov 1859
SIMPSON lost to ROBERTSON (Tenn.) and SUMNER (Tenn.) when surveyors re-marking the Kentucky-Tennessee boundary acted without authority and shifted the line around two small parcels. (Sames, 107, 114)
14 Jan 1869
SIMPSON gained from LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1241, sec. 1/pp. 2-3; Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 1, ch. 20, sec. 1/p. 202)


15 Jan 1824
SPENCER created from BULLITT, NELSON, and SHELBY. (Ky. Acts 1823-1824, 32d assy., ch. 708, sec. 1/pp. 441-443)


01 Mar 1848
TAYLOR created from GREEN. (Ky. Acts 1847-1848, ch. 26, sec. 1/pp. 3-5)
12 Feb 1858
TAYLOR gained small area from GREEN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1857-1858, vol. 1, ch. 391/p. 44)
12 Jan 1866
TAYLOR gained small area from GREEN to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 83, sec. 1/p. 73)
13 Mar 1869
TAYLOR gained from GREEN (act repealed 12 March 1870). (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2025, sec. 1/pp. 77-78)
12 Mar 1870
TAYLOR lost to GREEN (repealed act of 13 March 1869). (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 637, sec. 1/p. 42)
26 Mar 1888
TAYLOR gained small area from GREEN to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1888_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 2, ch. 671, sec. 1/pp. 430-431)


01 Apr 1820
TODD created from CHRISTIAN and LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 460, sec. 1/pp. 817-819)
01 Feb 1822
TODD gained from LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1821, 30th assy., 1st sess., ch. 246, sec. 1/pp. 306-307)
01 Feb 1823
TODD exchanged with LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1822, 31st assy., ch. 461, sec. 1/pp. 148-149)


01 Apr 1820
TRIGG created from CALDWELL and CHRISTIAN. (Ky. Acts 1819-1820, 28th assy., ch. 489, sec. 1/pp. 853-856, and ch. 554/pp. 938-939)
01 Jan 1825
TRIGG gained from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 96, sec. 1/p. 101)
01 Jan 1826
TRIGG gained from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 43, sec. 1/pp. 46-48)
12 Jan 1827
TRIGG gained from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 26/pp. 34-35)
13 Feb 1828
TRIGG gained from CALDWELL. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 177, sec. 1/p. 229)
26 Jan 1867
Legislature authorized creation of HENRIETTA (proposed) from TRIGG and MARSHALL, dependent on local referendum that failed [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1867, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1131, secs. 1, 9-10/pp. 12-15)


01 Mar 1837
TRIMBLE created from GALLATIN, HENRY, and OLDHAM. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 248, sec. 1/pp. 141-143, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 239-240, and ch. 369, sec. 6/pp. 249-250)
01 Mar 1838
TRIMBLE lost to creation of CARROLL and lost to HENRY. (Ky. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 773, sec. 1/pp. 170-172)
16 Jan 1840
Boundary between TRIMBLE and CARROLL was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1839-1840, ch. 70/p. 40)
28 Feb 1842
TRIMBLE gained small area from OLDHAM [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1842_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1841-1842, ch. 362, sec. 1/pp. 269-270)
15 Feb 1843
TRIMBLE exchanged with HENRY. (Ky. Acts 1842-1843, ch. 118/p. 20)
06 Mar 1850
TRIMBLE lost small area to HENRY to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1850_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1849-1850, ch. 438, sec. 2/pp. 513-514)


01 May 1811
UNION created from HENDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1810-1811, 19th assy., ch. 220, sec. 1/pp. 41-43)
01 Jul 1860
UNION lost to creation of WEBSTER. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 822, sec. 1/pp. 76-78)
01 Jan 1862
UNION lost to WEBSTER. (Ky. Acts 1861, Nov. called sess., ch. 279, secs. 1, 3/p. 37)


01 Mar 1797
WARREN created from LOGAN. (Ky. Acts 1796-1797, 5th assy., 1st sess., sec. 1/pp. 13-14, and sec. 1/pp. 9-10)
06 Feb 1798
Boundary between WARREN and LOGAN was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1798, 6th assy., 2d sess., ch. 33/pp. 55-56; Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 5, sec. 1/p. 10)
10 May 1799
WARREN lost to creation of BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1798-1799, 7th assy., ch. 43, secs. 1, 4/pp. 53-55)
01 Apr 1815
WARREN lost to creation of ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1814-1815, 23d assy., ch. 188, sec. 1/pp. 262-264)
03 Feb 1816
WARREN gained from ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1815-1816, 24th assy., ch. 332, sec. 1/p. 545)
01 Apr 1819
WARREN lost to creation of SIMPSON and lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1818-1819, 27th assy., ch. 342, sec. 1/pp. 633-637)
01 Feb 1825
WARREN lost to creation of EDMONSON. (Ky. Acts 1824-1825, 33d assy., ch. 204, sec. 1/pp. 191-193; Ky. Acts 1887-1888, ch. 1133, secs. 1, 7/pp. 278-279)
01 Mar 1827
WARREN lost to BARREN. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 44, secs. 1, 4/pp. 53-54)
01 Mar 1828
WARREN lost to ALLEN. (Ky. Acts 1827-1828, 36th assy., ch. 85/p. 92)


01 Sep 1792
WASHINGTON created from NELSON. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 2, sec. 1/p. 4)
20 Jan 1827
WASHINGTON lost to creation of ANDERSON. (Ky. Acts 1826-1827, 35th assy., ch. 35, sec. 1/pp. 44-47, and ch. 46, sec. 1/p. 55)
01 Mar 1834
WASHINGTON lost to creation of MARION. (Ky. Acts 1833-1834, 42d assy., ch. 285, sec. 1/pp. 367-369)
22 Feb 1837
Boundary between WASHINGTON and MARION was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1836-1837, ch. 390/p. 261)
07 Feb 1845
WASHINGTON lost small area to MARION to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1844-1845, ch. 172/p. 32)
27 Feb 1860
WASHINGTON lost small area to MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 2, ch. 660, sec. 1/p. 311)
15 Mar 1869
WASHINGTON lost small area to MARION to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 2103, sec. 1/p. 354)
15 Apr 1890
WASHINGTON lost to ANDERSON and MERCER. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 2, ch. 756, secs. 1-4, 7/pp. 508-510; vol. 3, ch. 1797, secs. 1-3/pp. 1471-1472)


01 Mar 1801
WAYNE created from CUMBERLAND, GREEN, and PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1800, 9th assy., ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 66-68)
01 Mar 1804
WAYNE gained from ADAIR. (Ky. Acts 1803, 12th assy., ch. 21, sec. 1/pp. 30-31)
01 Feb 1818
WAYNE exchanged with PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1816-1817, 25th assy., ch. 125, sec. 1/pp. 234-235)
01 Apr 1826
WAYNE lost to creation of RUSSELL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 39, sec. 1/pp. 40-44)
08 Jan 1831
WAYNE gained from PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1830-1831, 39th assy., ch. 433, sec. 1/p. 47)
01 Apr 1836
WAYNE lost to creation of CLINTON. (Ky. Acts 1835-1836, 44th assy., ch. 245, sec. 1/pp. 261-264)
17 Apr 1882
Boundary between WAYNE and WHITLEY was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1098, secs. 1-2/p. 562)
22 Apr 1882
Boundary between WAYNE and WHITLEY was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1275, sec. 1/pp. 815-816)
12 Mar 1912
WAYNE lost to creation of McCREARY. (Ky. Acts 1912, ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 184-192)


01 Jul 1860
WEBSTER created from HENDERSON, HOPKINS, and UNION. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 822, sec. 1/pp. 76-78)
01 Jan 1862
WEBSTER gained from UNION; boundary between WEBSTER and HENDERSON was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1861, Sep. called sess., ch. 108/p. 11, and Nov. called sess., ch. 279, secs. 1, 3/p. 37)


01 Apr 1818
WHITLEY created from KNOX. (Ky. Acts 1817-1818, 26th assy., ch. 183, sec. 1/pp. 356-358)
01 Feb 1826
WHITLEY gained from PULASKI. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 97, sec. 1/pp. 91-93)
13 Feb 1826
WHITLEY lost small area to KNOX, and lost to creation of LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1825, 34th assy., ch. 29, sec. 1/pp. 28-30)
21 Jan 1871
WHITLEY exchanged with JOSH BELL (now BELL). (Ky. Acts 1871, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1118, sec. 1/pp. 5-6)
20 Mar 1876
WHITLEY exchanged with LAUREL. (Ky. Acts 1875-1876, vol. 2, ch. 938, sec. 1/pp. 696-697)
17 Apr 1882
Boundary between WHITLEY and WAYNE was redefined [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1098, secs. 1-2/p. 562)
19 Apr 1882
WHITLEY lost small area to KNOX to accommodate local property owner [change too small to display on interactive map; shapefile users see small_changes 1882_pt. for location]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1151, sec. 1/p. 650)
22 Apr 1882
Boundary between WHITLEY and WAYNE was clarified [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 2, ch. 1275, sec. 1/pp. 815-816)
07 Mar 1888
WHITLEY gained small area from BELL to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1887-1888, vol. 1, ch. 427, sec. 1/pp. 876-887)
12 Mar 1912
WHITLEY lost to creation of McCREARY. (Ky. Acts 1912, ch. 46, sec. 1/pp. 184-192)


01 Jul 1860
WOLFE created from BREATHITT, MORGAN, OWSLEY, and POWELL. (Ky. Acts 1859-1860, vol. 1, ch. 1326, sec. 1/pp. 138-141)
18 Dec 1865
WOLFE gained from MORGAN (act partially repealed 17 February 1866 and fully repealed 20 February 1868). (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 45, sec. 1/pp. 29-30)
17 Feb 1866
WOLFE exchanged with MORGAN (partially repealed act of 18 December 1865 and was in turn repealed 20 February 1868). WOLFE was divided into two parts by this act. (Ky. Acts 1865-1866, ch. 705, secs. 1-2/pp. 617-618)
20 Feb 1868
WOLFE lost to MORGAN (repealed acts of 18 December 1865 and 17 February 1866). (Ky. Acts 1867-1868, vol. 1, ch. 524, sec. 1/p. 610)
01 May 1869
WOLFE lost to creation of MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1869, Jan. adj. sess., ch. 1872, sec. 1/pp.65-69)
01 Mar 1870
WOLFE lost to creation of LEE. (Ky. Acts 1869-1870, vol. 1, ch. 202, sec. 1/pp. 14-18)
04 Apr 1878
WOLFE gained from MORGAN. (Ky. Acts 1877-1878, vol. 2, ch. 770, secs. 1-2/pp. 308-309)
22 Apr 1880
WOLFE exchanged with MENIFEE. (Ky. Acts 1879-1880, vol. 2, ch. 1036, secs. 1-2/p. 484)
06 Mar 1882
Boundary between WOLFE and MORGAN was redefined to accommodate local property owner [no change]. (Ky. Acts 1881-1882, vol. 1, ch. 367, sec. 1/p. 37)
07 Apr 1886
WOLFE gained from BREATHITT; WOLFE also gained small area from MORGAN to accommodate local property owners [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 536, secs. 1-3/pp. 1219-1220)
24 May 1890
WOLFE exchanged with LEE. (Ky. Acts 1889-1890, vol. 3, ch. 1807, sec. 1/p. 1483)


01 May 1789
WOODFORD created by Virginia from FAYETTE. (Hening, 12:663-665)
01 Jun 1792
WOODFORD became a Kentucky county when the state of Kentucky was created from the Kentucky District of Virginia. (Hening, 11:85; U.S. Stat., 1:189)
01 Sep 1792
WOODFORD lost to creation of SCOTT. (Ky. Acts 1792, 1st assy., 1st sess., ch. 3, sec. 1/pp. 4-5)
10 May 1795
WOODFORD lost to creation of FRANKLIN. (Ky. Acts 1794, 3d assy., ch. 13, sec. 1/pp. 19-21)
09 Apr 1886
WOODFORD gained small area from FAYETTE to accommodate local property owner [not mapped]. (Ky. Acts 1885-1886, vol. 1, ch. 551, sec. 1/p. 1239)