Arkansas: Consolidated Chronology of State and County Boundaries

Arkansas Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

John H. Long, Editor; Peggy Tuck Sinko, Associate Editor and Historical Compiler; Douglas Knox, Book Digitizing Director; Emily Kelley, Research Associate; Laura Rico-Beck, GIS Specialist and Digital Compiler; Peter Siczewicz, ArcIMS Interactive Map Designer; Robert Will, Cartographic Assistant

Copyright The Newberry Library 2008

30 April 1803

The United States purchased Louisiana from France, taking formal possession on 20 December 1803; the boundaries were not clearly defined, but included the western half of the Mississippi drainage basin (from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains). It included all of present Arkansas. (Parry, 57:27-40; Van Zandt, 23-26)

01 October 1804

The United States divided the Louisiana Purchase at the parallel of 33 degrees north latitude into the District of Louisiana and Orleans Territory. All of present Arkansas became part of the District of Louisiana; the District was not fully organized and was attached to Indiana Territory for administrative and judicial purposes. NEW MADRID District (Mo.) was created by the District of Louisiana from non-county area; it included all or part of seven present states, including all of Arkansas. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13: 51-52; U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 38 [1804]/pp. 283-289)

04 July 1805

NEW MADRID (Mo.) became a district (county) in Louisiana Territory when the District of Louisiana was renamed Louisiana Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 2, ch. 31[1805]/pp. 331-332)

01 July 1806

NEW MADRID District (Mo.) gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU District (Mo.); area within present Arkansas was unchanged. (Terr. Papers U.S., 13:541-542)

15 August 1806

NEW MADRID District (Mo.) lost to CAPE GIRARDEAU District (Mo.); area within present Arkansas was unchanged. (Ford, 5-6)

07 December 1812

Louisiana Territory was renamed Missouri Territory; part of present Arkansas became non-county area in Missouri Territory. NEW MADRID (Mo.) became a county in Missouri Territory; part of NEW MADRID reverted to non-county area in Missouri Territory when its boundaries were redefined. NEW MADRID included territory in present Arkansas and Missouri. (Royce, 676-677, pls. 112, 144; Terr. Papers U.S., 14:599-601)

31 December 1813

ARKANSAS created by Missouri Territory from NEW MADRID (Mo.) and non-county area in Missouri Territory; ARKANSAS included a small part of present Texas. NEW MADRID (Mo.) gained from CAPE GIRARDEAU (Mo.). (Mo. Terr. Laws 1813-1814, ch. 99, sec. 1/pp. 293-295)

01 March 1815

LAWRENCE created by Missouri Territory from NEW MADRID (Mo.); LAWRENCE included parts of present Arkansas and Missouri. Act passed 15 January 1815; took effect 1 March 1815. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1814-1815, ch. 128, secs. 1, 9/pp. 354-357)

01 February 1819

LAWRENCE and NEW MADRID (Mo.) lost to creation of WAYNE (Mo.); areas within present Arkansas were unchanged. Act passed 11 December 1818; took effect 1 February 1819. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818-1819, ch. 226, secs. 1, 10/pp. 567-571)

22 February 1819

Adams-Onis Treaty between the United States and Spain established the boundary between the two countries from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. Controversy over the exact location of this boundary on the ground resulted in claims by Arkansas Territory to land in present Texas. Ratifications exchanged 22 February 1821. (Parry, 70:1-30; Van Zandt, 120-121)

01 June 1819

CLARK created by Missouri Territory from ARKANSAS and non-county area; CLARK included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. Non-county area in Missouri Territory gained from ARKANSAS. Act passed 15 December 1818; took effect 1 June 1819. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818-1819, ch. 232a, secs. 1-3/pp. 589-590)

HEMPSTEAD created by Missouri Territory from ARKANSAS and non-county area; HEMPSTEAD included territory in present Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The precise location of the boundary between Mexico and the United States from the Red River south to 33 degrees north latitude was uncertain, resulting in competing claims to an area of present Texas. Act passed 15 December 1818; took effect 1 June 1819. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818-1819, ch. 232a, secs. 1-3/pp. 589-591)

PULASKI created by Missouri Territory from ARKANSAS and non-county area; PULASKI included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. Act passed 15 December 1818; took effect 1 June 1819. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818-1819, ch. 232a, secs. 1-5/pp. 589-591)

The Quapaw Indian Reserve was left outside the boundaries of any county. The reserve was created 24 August 1818 when the Quapaws ceded their claim to other lands south of the Arkansas River. (Mo. Terr. Laws 1818-1819, ch. 232a, secs. 1-3/pp. 589-591; Hanson and Moneyhon, 19-20)

04 July 1819

The United States created Arkansas Territory from Missouri Territory; Missouri Territory and NEW MADRID (Mo.) eliminated from present Arkansas. Arkansas Territory included all of present Arkansas and part of present Oklahoma. Boundary between Arkansas Territory and Mexico remained unsettled. ARKANSAS, CLARK, HEMPSTEAD, LAWRENCE, and PULASKI became counties in Arkansas Territory. ARKANSAS and LAWRENCE lost to Missouri Territory when the northern boundary of Arkansas Territory was established. Non-County Area 1 was created in the northeast corner of Arkansas Territory when NEW MADRID (Mo.) was eliminated from Arkansas Territory. (U.S. Stat., vol. 3, ch. 49[1819]/pp. 493-496; Van Zandt, 118-119)

01 April 1820

MILLER (original, extinct) created by Arkansas Territory from HEMPSTEAD; HEMPSTEAD eliminated from present Oklahoma. MILLER included parts of present Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1820, 1st sess., pp. 83-86; Reynolds, 230-231)

01 June 1820

PHILLIPS created by Arkansas Territory from ARKANSAS and Non-County Area 1; Non-County Area 1 eliminated. Act passed 1 May 1820; took effect 1 June 1820. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1820, 1st sess., pp. 96-98)

18 October 1820

Treaty of Doak's Stand, between the United States and the Choctaw Indians, granted possession of the territory north of Red River and west of a point three miles below the mouth of Little River in present Arkansas to the Choctaws; area included all of MILLER (original, extinct) north of Red River. White settlers protested, but the War Department did attempt to remove settlers living west of the Kiamichi River in present Oklahoma. (Royce, 700-703; Strickland, 162-165)

25 October 1820

INDEPENDENCE created by Arkansas Territory from LAWRENCE. Part of LAWRENCE reverted to non-county area in Arkansas Territory. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1820, 1st sess., pp. 126-128)

01 January 1821

CRAWFORD created by Arkansas Territory from PULASKI and non-county area in Arkansas Territory; PULASKI eliminated from present Oklahoma. CRAWFORD included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. Act passed 18 October 1820; took effect 1 January 1821. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1820, 1st sess., pp. 123-125)

24 October 1821

CRAWFORD exchanged with PULASKI. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1821, 2d sess., pp. 20-21)

01 January 1822

ARKANSAS exchanged with PHILLIPS. Act passed 23 October 1821; took effect 1 January 1822. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1821, 2d sess., pp. 22-23)

25 October 1823

CHICOT created by Arkansas Territory from ARKANSAS. Non-County Area 2 created from ARKANSAS. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1823, 3d sess., pp. 36-38)

30 October 1823

Non-County Area 3 created from most of the Cherokee Land granted them by the treaty signed 8 July 1817 and proclaimed 26 December 1817. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1823, 3d sess., pp. 50-52; Hanson and Moneyhon, 19; U.S. Stat., vol. 7, art. 5/p. 158)

CRAWFORD gained non-county area in Arkansas Territory, lost to CLARK. LAWRENCE exchanged with INDEPENDENCE and PHILLIPS. PULASKI gained from ARKANSAS, lost to CLARK. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1823, 3d sess., pp. 50-52)

26 May 1824

Arkansas Territory was reduced in size when the western extent of the territory was moved to a line running forty miles west of the southwest corner of Missouri. CLARK, CRAWFORD, and MILLER (original, extinct) lost to Choctaw Indian territory in present Oklahoma. (U.S. Stat., vol. 4, ch. 155 [1824]/pp. 40-41; Morris, Goins, McReynolds, 21; Van Zandt, 119)

20 January 1825

Treaty of Washington between the United States and Choctaw Indians definitively established the eastern line of the Choctaw Session (present boundary between Arkansas and Oklahoma) and affirmed Choctaw control of the area west of the line, including parts of CLARK, CRAWFORD, and MILLER (original, extinct). Arkansas citizens protested, and the treaty provisions were not fully implemented until 1828. (Royce, 708-709; Morris, Goins, McReynolds, 21; Strickland, 162-163, 170)

01 January 1826

CONWAY created by Arkansas Territory from PULASKI. Act passed 20 October 1825; took effect 1 January 1826. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1825, 4th sess., pp. 3-6)

CRITTENDEN created by Arkansas Territory from PHILLIPS. Act passed 22 October 1825; took effect 1 January 1826. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1825, 4th sess., pp. 17-20)

IZARD created by Arkansas Territory from INDEPENDENCE. Act passed 27 October 1825; took effect 1 January 1826. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1825, 4th sess., pp. 40-44)

13 October 1827

IZARD gained from CRAWFORD. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., pp. 4-5)

PULASKI gained from CLARK and gained part of the Quapaw Indian Reserve; ARKANSAS gained the remainder of the Quapaw Indian Reserve. Quapaw Reserve eliminated as a non-county area in Arkansas Territory. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., p. 5)

24 October 1827

PULASKI gained from CONWAY. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., p. 40)

27 October 1827

CONWAY boundary along Little Red River was clarified [no change]. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., p. 55)

01 December 1827

LOVELEY (Arkansas Territory, extinct) created by Arkansas Territory from CRAWFORD and non-county area in Arkansas Territory. LOVELEY included territory in present Arkansas and Oklahoma. Act passed 13 October 1827; took effect 1 December 1827. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., pp. 6-8; Gabler, 31-39)

ST. FRANCIS created by Arkansas Territory from PHILLIPS. LAWRENCE implicitly gained from PHILLIPS. Act passed 13 October 1827; took effect 1 December 1827. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., pp. 8-10)

01 February 1828

LAFAYETTE created by Arkansas Territory from HEMPSTEAD; HEMPSTEAD eliminated from present Texas. LAFAYETTE included territory in present Arkansas and Texas. Act passed 15 October 1827; took effect 1 February 1828. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1827, 5th sess., pp. 10-12)

06 May 1828

CLARK, CRAWFORD, LOVELEY (Arkansas Territory, extinct), and MILLER (original, extinct) lost to Indian lands when the treaty between the United States and Cherokee Indians established the western line of Arkansas Territory north of Red River along the eastern line of the Choctaw Session (present boundary between Arkansas and Oklahoma) [see 20 January 1825]. CLARK, CRAWFORD, LOVELY (extinct) and MILLER (original, extinct) eliminated from present Oklahoma. (U.S. Stat., vol. 7, p. 311; Gabler, 37-39; Royce, 720-721; Van Zandt, 119)

20 October 1828

MILLER (original, extinct) county seat was relocated to Jonesborough on the south bank of Red River, effectively ending efforts by Arkansas Territory to retain control of Indian lands north of Red River. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1828, spec. sess., pp. 9-10)

22 October 1828

CONWAY, CRAWFORD, and INDEPENDENCE gained from Non-County Area 3 (former Cherokee Lands). IZARD exchanged with Non-County Area 3 (former Cherokee Lands). The Cherokee Indians had ceded this area to the United States in the treaty signed 6 May 1828. That part of IZARD gained by Non-County Area 3 became part of CRAWFORD and WASHINGTON on 1 November 1828. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1828, spec. sess., pp. 31-32)

01 November 1828

SEVIER created by Arkansas Territory from HEMPSTEAD and MILLER (original, extinct); SEVIER included part of present Texas. MILLER (original, extinct) was now located entirely within present Texas. Act passed 17 October 1828; took effect 1 November 1828. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1828, spec. sess., pp. 5-8 and sec. 9/p. 28; Strickland, 42-43)

WASHINGTON created by Arkansas Territory from LOVELEY (Arkansas Territory, extinct) and Non-County Area 3; WASHINGTON included territory that was formerly part of IZARD. CRAWFORD gained from LOVELEY (Arkansas Territory, extinct) and Non-County Area 3; LOVELEY and Non-County Area 3 eliminated. Act passed 17 October 1828; took effect 1 November 1828. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1828, spec. sess., pp. 8-9, 32-33; Gabler, 39)

01 December 1828

CONWAY exchanged with PULASKI. Act passed 20 October 1828; took effect 1 December 1828. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1828, spec. sess., pp. 15-16)

02 November 1829

HOT SPRING created by Arkansas Territory from CLARK. A small remnant of CLARK remained separated from the rest of the county until 25 December 1829. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 47-51)

UNION created by Arkansas Territory from CLARK, HEMPSTEAD, and Non-County Area 2; Non-County Area 2 eliminated. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 51-54)

14 November 1829

MILLER (original, extinct) gained from SEVIER; SEVIER eliminated from present Texas. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., p. 91)

21 November 1829

Boundary between ARKANSAS and PHILLIPS was clarified [no change]. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., p. 114)

25 December 1829

JACKSON created by Arkansas Territory from INDEPENDENCE. Act passed 5 November 1829; took effect 25 December 1829. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 80-83)

POPE created by Arkansas Territory from CRAWFORD and a small area of CLARK. Non-County Area 4 created from CRAWFORD when POPE was created. Act passed 2 November 1829; took effect 25 December 1829. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 41-47)

01 January 1830

JEFFERSON created by Arkansas Territory from ARKANSAS and PULASKI. Act passed 2 November 1829; took effect 1 January 1830. (Ark.  Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 66-71 and sec. 4/p. 101)

MONROE created by Arkansas Territory from ARKANSAS, PHILLIPS, and a small part of PULASKI. Act passed 2 November 1829; took effect 1 January 1830. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1829, 6th sess., pp. 60-62)

26 October 1831

WASHINGTON gained from IZARD. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1831, 7th sess., pp. 25-26)

03 November 1831

Boundary between CRITTENDEN and ST. FRANCIS was clarified [no change]. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1831, 7th sess., p. 42)

JEFFERSON gained from ARKANSAS and PULASKI. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1831, 7th sess., pp. 53-54)

05 November 1831

CONWAY gained from IZARD. Boundary between CONWAY and INDEPENDENCE was clarified [no change]. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1831, 7th sess., p. 66)

08 November 1833

SEVIER gained from HOT SPRING. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 38-39)

11 November 1833

VAN BUREN created by Arkansas Territory from CONWAY, INDEPENDENCE, and IZARD. IZARD gained small area from INDEPENDENCE. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 67, 84-88)

01 December 1833

PIKE created by Arkansas Territory from CLARK and HEMPSTEAD. Act passed 1 November 1833; took effect 1 December 1833. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 30-32)

SCOTT created by Arkansas Territory from CRAWFORD, HOT SPRING, and POPE. Act passed 5 November 1833; took effect 1 December 1833. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 98-104)

25 December 1833

CARROLL created by Arkansas Territory from IZARD. WASHINGTON gained small area from IZARD. Act passed 1 November 1833; took effect 25 December 1833. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 17-19)

JOHNSON created by Arkansas Territory from POPE. Act passed 16 November 1833; took effect 25 December 1833. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 88-94)

01 January 1834

MISSISSIPPI created by Arkansas Territory from CRITTENDEN. Act passed 1 November 1833; took effect 1 January 1834. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 13-17)

01 November 1834

GREENE (spelled GREEN here) created by Arkansas Territory from LAWRENCE. Act passed 5 November 1833; took effect 1 November 1834. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1833, 8th sess., pp. 33-35; Mueller, 26)

24 October 1835

SCOTT gained from CRAWFORD and JOHNSON. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 16-17)

29 October 1835

RANDOLPH created by Arkansas Territory from LAWRENCE. GREENE implicitly gained from LAWRENCE. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 26-31)

02 November 1835

POPE gained from JOHNSON. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., p. 35)

SALINE created by Arkansas Territory from PULASKI. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 36-39)

UNION gained from CHICOT. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 41-42)

11 November 1835

The Provisional Government of Texas established RED RIVER (Texas) as a municipality (county). The boundaries were not described until 18 December 1837, but it was located in the northeast corner of present Texas. RED RIVER (Texas) included all of MILLER (original, extinct). Competing claims to this area by Arkansas and the Republic of Texas were not settled until 1840. (Gammel, 1:Journals of the Consultation, 28)

01 December 1835

WHITE created by Arkansas Territory from INDEPENDENCE, JACKSON, and PULASKI. Act passed 23 October 1835; took effect 1 December 1835. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 9-13)

25 December 1835

SEARCY (original, now MARION) created by Arkansas Territory from IZARD. Act passed 3 November 1835; took effect 25 December 1835. (Ark. Terr. Acts 1835, 9th sess., pp. 84-87)

15 June 1836

Arkansas admitted as a state to the Union; Arkansas Territory eliminated. ARKANSAS, CARROLL, CHICOT, CLARK, CONWAY, CRAWFORD, CRITTENDEN, GREENE, HEMPSTEAD, HOT SPRING, INDEPENDENCE, IZARD, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, JOHNSON, LAFAYETTE, LAWRENCE, MILLER (original, extinct), MISSISSIPPI, MONROE, PHILLIPS, PIKE, POPE, PULASKI, RANDOLPH, ST. FRANCIS, SALINE, SCOTT, SEARCY (original, now MARION), SEVIER, UNION, VAN BUREN, WASHINGTON, and WHITE became counties in the state of Arkansas. (U.S. Stat., vol. 5, chs. 100, 120 [1836]/pp. 50-52, 58-59; Swindler, 1: 342-344, 354-358; Van Zandt, 119)

26 September 1836

SEARCY (original, now MARION) gained from IZARD. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., p. 26)

29 September 1836

SEARCY (original) renamed MARION. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., p. 32)

30 September 1836

BENTON created from WASHINGTON. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., pp. 40-42)

MADISON created from CARROLL, JOHNSON, and WASHINGTON. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., pp. 37-40)

05 October 1836

JOHNSON gained from POPE. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., p. 75)

29 October 1836

HEMPSTEAD gained from SEVIER. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., p. 138)

04 November 1836

VAN BUREN gained from CONWAY, gained small area from MARION, exchanged with INDEPENDENCE and IZARD. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., pp. 154-155)

07 November 1836

CLARK gained from PULASKI and UNION. JEFFERSON gained from PULASKI and SALINE, exchanged with ARKANSAS. MONROE gained from ARKANSAS. SALINE gained from HOT SPRING and PULASKI; part of SALINE became Non-County Area 5. UNION gained small area from PULASKI, exchanged with JEFFERSON. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., pp. 126-127, 161, 163-164, 186, sec. 3/pp. 194-195)

08 November 1836

JACKSON gained from INDEPENDENCE. (Ark. Acts 1836, 1st sess., pp. 194-195)

23 November 1837

CARROLL exchanged with MARION. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., p. 28)

19 December 1837

WASHINGTON boundaries were clarified to include settlers on the Middle Fork of White River [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., p. 51)

15 February 1838

FRANKLIN created from CRAWFORD, JOHNSON, MADISON, and WASHINGTON. Act passed 19 December 1837; took effect 15 February 1838. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., pp. 53-56)

CRAWFORD gained from SCOTT. Act passed 18 December 1837; took effect 15 February 1838. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., pp. 47-48)

21 February 1838

INDEPENDENCE exchanged with IZARD [act was repealed 14 December 1838]. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., p. 64)

25 February 1838

PULASKI gained from SALINE. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., p. 78)

01 March 1838

POINSETT created from GREENE (spelled GREEN here), LAWRENCE, and ST. FRANCIS. Act passed 28 February 1838; took effect 1 March 1838. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., pp. 71-73)

02 March 1838

HOT SPRING gained all of Non-County Area 5; Non-County Area 5 eliminated. (Ark. Acts 1837, 1st sess., spec., p. 132)

26 November 1838

MADISON exchanged with WASHINGTON. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 83)

14 December 1838

CARROLL exchanged with MADISON. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 84)

FRANKLIN exchanged with JOHNSON. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 81)

HEMPSTEAD exchanged with PIKE. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 82)

INDEPENDENCE exchanged with IZARD [repealed act of 21 February 1838]. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 82)

SALINE gained from PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 80)

15 December 1838

The Republic of Texas had taken possession of MILLER (original, extinct) and compelled the inhabitants to pay taxes to Texas. On this date, the Arkansas legislature passed a resolution requesting the United States survey the line between the U.S. and the Texas Republic and settle the grievances of MILLER residents. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 138)

16 December 1838

CRAWFORD gained from SCOTT. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., p. 81)

01 February 1839

SEARCY created from MARION. Northern boundary with MARION was not clearly defined in this act, and was in dispute until 20 January 1855. The 1855 line is used here, although MARION appears to have claimed some territory south of that line. Act passed 13 December 1838; took effect 1 February 1839. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., pp. 27-30)

04 March 1839

DESHA created from ARKANSAS. Act passed 12 December 1838; took effect 4 March 1839. (Ark. Acts 1838, 2d sess., pp. 31-33)

21 May 1840

Survey of boundary between the Republic of Texas and the United States began. MILLER (original) officially became extinct and LAFAYETTE was eliminated from Texas when Texas claims to the area were upheld. (U.S. Stat., vol. 5, ch. 75 [1844]/p. 674; Marshall, 235-236)

05 December 1840

YELL created from POPE and SCOTT. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., pp. 10-13)

18 December 1840

BRADLEY created from UNION. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., pp. 29-31)

PERRY created from CONWAY. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., pp. 37-38)

21 December 1840

INDEPENDENCE exchanged with IZARD. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., pp. 47-48)

YELL gained small area from POPE. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., p. 48)

24 December 1840

IZARD gained from MARION. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., p. 71)

25 December 1840

MONROE gained from ARKANSAS, PULASKI, and ST. FRANCIS; lost to PHILLIPS. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., p. 78)

26 December 1840

LAWRENCE gained small area from INDEPENDENCE. (Ark. Acts 1840, 3d sess., pp. 84-85)

21 November 1842

The Arkansas River boundary between CONWAY and PERRY was changed from the south bank of the river to the middle of the channel [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., p. 161)

29 November 1842

OUACHITA created from UNION. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 11-14)

14 December 1842

NEWTON created from CARROLL and JOHNSON. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 20-22)

01 January 1843

FULTON created from IZARD. Act passed 21 December 1842; took effect 1 January 1843. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 22-25)

11 January 1843

CARROLL exchanged with MADISON. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 196, 204)

03 February 1843

WHITE gained small area from PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 218-219)

01 July 1843

MONTGOMERY created from HOT SPRING. Act passed 9 December 1842; took effect 1 July 1843. (Ark. Acts 1842, 4th sess., pp. 14-18)

30 November 1844

POLK created from SEVIER. (Ark. Acts 1844, 5th sess., pp. 16-18)

01 January 1845

DALLAS created from BRADLEY and CLARK. (Ark. Acts 1844, 5th sess., pp. 41-44)

02 January 1845

YELL gained from MONTGOMERY and gained all of Non-County Area 4; Non-County Area 4 eliminated. (Ark. Acts 1844, 5th sess., p. 44)

09 January 1845

SALINE gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1845, 5th sess., sec. 17/p. 79)

24 November 1846

Boundary between CRAWFORD and WASHINGTON was clarified to include settlements on Frog Bayou in CRAWFORD [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., p. 11)

25 November 1846

PRAIRIE created from PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., pp. 16-18)

26 November 1846

DREW created from BRADLEY and DESHA. DESHA gained from CHICOT. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., pp. 19-22)

LAFAYETTE gained from UNION. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., pp. 23-24)

18 December 1846

MARION gained from CARROLL. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., p. 66)

21 December 1846

PULASKI exchanged with SALINE. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., p. 97)

23 December 1846

SALINE gained from DALLAS, exchanged with HOT SPRING. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., p. 113)

PERRY gained from MONTGOMERY and SALINE, exchanged with PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., pp. 122-123)

01 January 1847

DREW gained from CHICOT and gained small areas along the Saline River from BRADLEY. Act passed 21 December 1846; took effect 1 January 1847. (Ark. Acts 1846, 6th sess., pp. 107-108)

21 December 1848

MADISON boundary with JOHNSON and NEWTON was redefined [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1848, 7th sess., p. 34)

PERRY gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1848, 7th sess., p. 33)

27 December 1848

HOT SPRING gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1848, 7th sess., p. 40)

30 December 1848

PRAIRIE gained from PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1848, 7th sess., pp. 42-43)

01 January 1849

ASHLEY created from DREW. Act passed 30 November 1848; took effect 1 January 1849. (Ark. Acts 1848, 7th sess., pp. 16-22)

06 December 1850

CALHOUN created from BRADLEY, DALLAS, OUACHITA, and UNION. (Ark. Acts 1850, 8th sess., pp. 28-32; Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., pp. 34-35)

07 December 1850

PRAIRIE gained from MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1850, 8th sess., p. 34)

06 January 1851

SEBASTIAN created from CRAWFORD, SCOTT, and a small area of POLK. (Ark. Acts 1850, 8th sess., pp. 81-85)

10 January 1851

JACKSON gained from ST. FRANCIS. (Ark. Acts 1850, 8th sess., p. 107)

17 December 1852

COLUMBIA created from HEMPSTEAD, LAFAYETTE, OUACHITA, and UNION. OUACHITA gained from HEMPSTEAD. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., pp. 29-34)

01 January 1853

POPE gained from CONWAY. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., p. 74)

YELL gained from POPE. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., pp. 69-70)

06 January 1853

OUACHITA exchanged with UNION. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., p. 69)

10 January 1853

NEWTON exchanged with POPE. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., p. 125)

11 January 1853

WHITE gained from CONWAY. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., pp. 141-142)

12 January 1853

POPE gained from SEARCY and VAN BUREN; SEARCY exchanged with VAN BUREN. (Ark. Acts 1852, 9th sess., pp. 192-193)

07 December 1854

Boundary between MONROE and ST. FRANCIS was redefined, confirming that township 3 north, range 1 east was part of MONROE [see 25 December 1840; no change]. (Ark. Acts 1854, 10th sess., p. 21)

20 December 1854

POPE gained from VAN BUREN [see 17 February 1859 for clarification]. (Ark. Acts 1854, 10th sess., pp. 60-61)

29 December 1854

MADISON gained from CARROLL [see 15 January 1857]. (Ark. Acts 1854, 10th sess., p. 74)

18 January 1855

FULTON gained from LAWRENCE, lost to MARION. (Ark. Acts 1854, 10th sess., p. 159)

20 January 1855

SEARCY gained from VAN BUREN. Boundary wIth MARION was defined, ending dispute between the two counties dating from 1 February 1839 [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1854, 10th sess., pp. 216-217)

15 January 1857

Boundary between CARROLL and MADISON was clarified [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1856, 11th sess., pp. 160-161)

21 December 1858

COLUMBIA gained from UNION. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 30/p. 27)

21 January 1859

BRADLEY gained small areas from ASHLEY along the Saline River [repealed act of 1 January 1847 when the area of ASHLEY was part of DREW]. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 44/pp. 39-40)

07 February 1859

POLK gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 119/p. 133)

17 February 1859

Boundary between POPE and VAN BUREN was redefined [no change; see 20 December 1854]. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 144/p. 170)

19 February 1859

CRAIGHEAD created from GREENE, MISSISSIPPI, and POINSETT. LAWRENCE gained small area from GREENE; POINSETT gained from MISSISSIPPI. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 171/pp. 201-205)

HOT SPRING exchanged with SALINE [see 19 January 1861]. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 164/p. 194)

JOHNSON gained from POPE. (Ark. Acts 1858, 12th sess., no. 169/p. 199)

18 January 1861

MISSISSIPPI gained all of Dean Island from CRITTENDEN. (Ark. Acts 1860, 13th sess., no. 129/p. 274)

RANDOLPH gained from LAWRENCE. (Ark. Acts 1860, 13th sess., no. 133/pp. 281-282)

19 January 1861

ASHLEY gained from CHICOT. (Ark. Acts 1860, 13th sess., no. 144/pp. 294-295)

Boundary between HOT SPRING and SALINE was redefined to clarify act of 19 February 1859 [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1860, 13th sess., no. 149/pp. 299-300)

21 January 1861

DREW gained from DESHA. (Ark. Acts 1860, 13th sess., no. 197/pp. 373-374)

01 June 1861

POLK gained small area from SEBASTIAN; SCOTT gained from SEBASTIAN. (Ord. of State Convention 1861, 70-71; "Pruitt v. Sebastian County Coal Co.," in Ark. Rpts., 215: 673-689)

18 November 1861

Legislature authorized creation of RED RIVER (proposed) from LAFAYETTE; creation did not take effect. Boundaries were not defined [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1861, 13th sess., spec., no. 48/pp. 58-60; Ord. of State Convention 1861, 75-76)

15 November 1862

CROSS created from CRITTENDEN, POINSETT, and ST. FRANCIS. POINSETT gained from CRAIGHEAD; ST. FRANCIS gained from CRITTENDEN. (Ark. Acts 1862, 14th sess., pp. 2-4; Ark. Acts 1866, 16th sess., no. 5/pp. 547-548)

19 November 1862

BRADLEY gained from CALHOUN. UNION gained small area from CALHOUN along the Ouachita River in townships 17 and 18 when the boundary was moved from the high water mark on the west side of the river to the center of the channel [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1862, 14th sess., p. 6)

26 November 1862

WOODRUFF created from JACKSON and ST. FRANCIS. CRAIGHEAD gained small area from GREENE (spelled GREEN here). (Ark. Acts 1862, 14th sess., pp. 19-23; Ark. Acts 1866, 16th sess., no. 6/pp. 548-549)

05 March 1867

LITTLE RIVER created from HEMPSTEAD and SEVIER. (Ark. Acts 1866, 16th sess., no. 104/pp. 217-226)

18 July 1868

SHARP created from LAWRENCE. (Ark. Acts 1868, 17th sess., no. 42/pp. 129-132)

04 February 1869

GRANT created from HOT SPRING, JEFFERSON, and SALINE. (Ark. Acts 1868, adj. sess., no. 15/pp. 34-42)

03 April 1869

CLARK gained from DALLAS and HOT SPRING. (Ark. Acts 1868, adj. sess., no. 54/pp. 114-115; "Crawford v. Brown," in Ark. Rpts., 74: 568-571)

08 April 1869

CARROLL gained from MADISON. (Ark. Acts 1868, adj. sess., no. 63/p. 129)

09 April 1869

BOONE created from CARROLL, MARION, and a small part of SEARCY (the southern half of sections 13 to 18 in township 17, range 18). (Ark. Acts 1868, adj. sess., no. 70/pp. 138-145)

12 April 1869

MONROE gained from WOODRUFF. PRAIRIE gained from MONROE, lost to PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1868, adj. sess., no. 91/pp. 175-178)

20 March 1871

NEVADA created from COLUMBIA, HEMPSTEAD, and OUACHITA. (Ark. Acts 1871, 18th sess., no. 20/pp. 26-34)

22 March 1871

SARBER (now LOGAN) created from FRANKLIN, JOHNSON, SCOTT, and YELL [see 27 February 1873 for boundary clarification and redefinition]. (Ark. Acts 1871, 18th sess., no. 25/pp. 48-55)

27 March 1871

JOHNSON exchanged with POPE. (Ark. Acts 1871, 18th sess., no. 47/pp. 215-218)

28 March 1871

LINCOLN created from ARKANSAS, BRADLEY, DESHA, DREW, and JEFFERSON. DREW gained from DESHA. (Ark. Acts 1871, 18th sess., no. 68, secs. 1, 16/pp. 332-333, 338)

27 February 1873

SARBER (now LOGAN) gained from FRANKLIN; SARBER boundaries were clarified to correct uncertainties in 22 March 1871 law. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 13/pp. 19-21)

24 March 1873

BAXTER created from FULTON, IZARD, MARION, and SEARCY; MARION gained from SEARCY.  Mistakes in description corrected 16 February 1875. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 26/pp. 34-41)

CLAYTON (now CLAY) created from GREENE and RANDOLPH; GREENE gained from RANDOLPH. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 27/pp. 42-48)

05 April 1873

GARLAND created from HOT SPRING, MONTGOMERY, and SALINE. HOT SPRING gained from CLARK and MONTGOMERY, lost to SALINE [see 30 May 1874]. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 34/pp. 68-76)

12 April 1873

FAULKNER created from CONWAY and PULASKI. CONWAY gained from PERRY and POPE, gained small areas from YELL, lost to VAN BUREN. YELL gained small areas from PERRY. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 44/pp. 86-90)

PULASKI exchanged with SALINE. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 43/p. 85)

16 April 1873

LONOKE created from PRAIRIE and PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 47/pp. 101-106)

17 April 1873

DORSEY (now CLEVELAND) created from BRADLEY, DALLAS, JEFFERSON, and LINCOLN. DALLAS gained small area from JEFFERSON. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 58/pp. 134-140)

HOWARD created from HEMPSTEAD, LITTLE RIVER, PIKE, POLK, and SEVIER. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 57/pp. 127-133)

LEE created from CRITTENDEN, MONROE, PHILLIPS, and ST. FRANCIS. CRITTENDEN gained from CROSS. PHILLIPS gained from MONROE. ST. FRANCIS gained from CRITTENDEN and MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 60/pp. 143-151)

PRAIRIE gained from WHITE. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 55/pp. 124-125)

19 April 1873

COLUMBIA gained small area from NEVADA. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 64/pp. 154-155)

21 April 1873

STONE created from INDEPENDENCE, IZARD, SEARCY, and VAN BUREN. IZARD gained from FULTON and INDEPENDENCE. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 74/pp. 177-182)

24 April 1873

CLARK gained from MONTGOMERY. PIKE gained from CLARK and MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., nos. 76, 84/pp. 183-184, 208-209)

26 April 1873

WOODRUFF gained small area from MONROE, lost to PRAIRIE. (Ark. Acts 1873, 19th sess., no. 113/pp. 275-277)

27 May 1874

PRAIRIE gained from MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1874, spec. sess., no. 13/pp. 17-18)

30 May 1874

Boundary between CLARK and HOT SPRING was clarified to correct mistake of 5 April 1873 [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1874, spec. sess., no. 34/p. 44)

15 July 1874

POPE gained from CONWAY. Act passed 28 May 1874; took effect 15 July 1874. (Ark. Acts 1874, spec. sess., no. 18/pp. 23-24)

16 December 1874

MONTGOMERY gained from PIKE. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., p. 63)

22 December 1874

MILLER created from LAFAYETTE. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., pp. 65-72)

11 February 1875

SHARP gained from INDEPENDENCE. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., pp. 149-150)

16 February 1875

BAXTER boundaries were clarified, correcting mistakes of 24 March 1873 [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., p. 155)

04 March 1875

CRAWFORD gained from FRANKLIN. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., p. 214)

06 March 1875

POPE gained from JOHNSON. (Ark. Acts 1874, 20th sess., pp. 253-254)

30 November 1875

BRADLEY gained small area from ASHLEY along the Saline River. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 35/p. 38)

LONOKE gained from PRAIRIE. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 38/pp. 40-41)

07 December 1875

PULASKI exchanged with FAULKNER, LONOKE, and SALINE. Mistake in description of LONOKE boundary was clarified 8 March 1991. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 59/pp. 119-122)

09 December 1875

MARION gained from BOONE. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 49/pp. 85-86)

14 December 1875

SARBER renamed LOGAN. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 62/pp. 129-131)

01 January 1876

CLAYTON renamed CLAY. Act passed 6 December 1875; took effect 1 January 1876. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 42/pp. 44-45)

01 May 1876

DREW gained small area along Bartholomew Bayou from CHICOT. (Ark. Acts 1875, adj. sess., no. 31/p. 35)

08 March 1877

PIKE gained from CLARK. (Ark. Acts 1877, 21st sess., no. 43/p. 43)

09 March 1877

JOHNSON gained from POPE. (Ark. Acts 1877, 21st sess., no. 65/pp. 66-67)

SHARP gained small area from IZARD. (Ark. Acts 1877, 21st sess., no. 47/pp. 46-47)

10 February 1879

DESHA gained from CHICOT. (Ark. Acts 1879, 22d sess., no. 7/pp. 5-6; "Reynolds v. Holland," in Ark. Rpts., 35: 56-61)

20 March 1879

LINCOLN gained from JEFFERSON, lost to DESHA. A small area in township 8 south, range 2 west, south of the Arkansas River, inadvertently remained part of LINCOLN and was separated from the rest of the county [see 23 March 1885]. (Ark. Acts 1879, 22d sess., no. 79/pp. 126-128)

03 April 1879

Legislature authorized DALLAS and NEVADA to gain all of CLARK, eliminating CLARK. Change did not take effect. The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled the act void during the May 1879 session. (Ark. Acts 1879, 22d sess., no. 81/pp. 132-136; "Bittle v. Stuart," in Ark. Rpts., 34: 224-233)

09 March 1881

BAXTER gained small area from MARION. (Ark. Acts 1881, 23d sess., no. 28/p. 45)

FRANKLIN, MADISON, and WASHINGTON gained from CRAWFORD. (Ark. Acts 1881, 23d sess., no. 31/p. 48)

21 March 1881

LOGAN gained from SCOTT. (Ark. Acts 1881, 23d sess., no. 70/p. 135)

20 February 1883

CLEBURNE created from INDEPENDENCE, VAN BUREN, and WHITE. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 24/pp. 39-46)

08 March 1883

LONOKE gained from PRAIRIE. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 66/pp. 102-104)

10 March 1883

IZARD exchanged with SHARP. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 71/pp. 108-109)

16 March 1883

DESHA gained from LINCOLN. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 82/p. 139)

26 March 1883

ST. FRANCIS gained small area from MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 109/pp. 193-194)

31 March 1883

MONROE gained from PRAIRIE. (Ark. Acts 1883, 24th sess., no. 130/p. 312)

17 February 1885

JOHNSON and MADISON gained from NEWTON. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 15/pp. 19-20)

RANDOLPH gained small area from LAWRENCE along Spring River. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 16/pp. 20-21)

05 March 1885

DORSEY renamed CLEVELAND. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 38/p. 41)

MONROE exchanged with PRAIRIE. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 42/p. 46)

23 March 1885

DESHA gained the small fragment of LINCOLN located south of the Arkansas River in township 8 south, range 2 west [see 20 March 1879]. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 76, sec. 2/pp. 114-115)

24 March 1885

ARKANSAS gained from DESHA. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 78/pp. 116-120)

28 March 1885

PHILLIPS gained from MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 90/p. 142)

31 March 1885

CARROLL exchanged with MADISON. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 101/pp. 159-160)

SALINE gained small area from PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1885, 25th sess., no. 99/p. 158)

31 January 1887

SHARP gained small area from IZARD. (Ark. Acts 1887, 26th sess., no. 2/p. 2)

08 March 1887

CRAWFORD gained from FRANKLIN, MADISON, and WASHINGTON. (Ark. Acts 1887, 26th sess., no. 50/pp. 62-63)

15 March 1887

WOODRUFF gained small area from MONROE. (Ark. Acts 1887, 26th sess., no. 59/pp. 82-83)

21 March 1887

LINCOLN gained from DESHA. (Ark. Acts 1887, 26th sess., no. 74/pp. 102-104)

31 March 1887

WOODRUFF gained small area from WHITE. (Ark. Acts 1887, 26th sess., no. 103/pp. 195-196)

by 1887

FRANKLIN exchanged small areas with SEBASTIAN. (Outline Map of Sebastian Co., 1887; U.S.G.S., "Fort Smith Sheet," 1887, ed. of 1890)

25 February 1889

JEFFERSON gained from ARKANSAS. (Ark. Acts 1889, 27th sess., no. 23/pp. 22-25)

by 1890

SCOTT exchanged with SEBASTIAN when boundary was placed on public land survey lines. (Outline Map of Sebastian Co., 1887; U.S.G.S., "Fort Smith Sheet," 1887, ed. of 1890)

02 March 1891

RANDOLPH exchanged with SHARP. (Ark. Acts 1891, 28th sess., no. 25/pp. 26-27)

08 April 1891

PERRY exchanged with YELL. (Ark. Acts 1891, 28th sess., no. 112/pp. 193-194)

20 October 1891

YELL gained small area from LOGAN [description clarified 7 February 1893]. Act passed 9 April 1891; took effect 20 October 1891. (Ark. Acts 1891, 28th sess., no. 148/pp. 251-252)

07 February 1893

Boundary between LOGAN and YELL was clarified to correct mistake of 20 October 1891 [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1893, 29th sess., no. 10/p. 16)

04 April 1893

MADISON exchanged with NEWTON. (Ark. Acts 1893, 29th sess., no. 122/pp. 210-211)

13 April 1893

YELL gained from PERRY when boundary was shifted east from the half-section lines to the section lines. (Ark. Acts 1893, 29th sess., no. 165/pp. 294-295)

26 March 1895

LINCOLN gained small area along the Arkansas River from ARKANSAS near Gum Point in township 7 south, range 4 west [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1895, 30th sess., no. 57/p. 72)

07 April 1895

CRAWFORD gained from FRANKLIN. Act passed 28 March 1895; took effect 7 April 1895. (Ark. Acts 1895, 30th sess., no. 63/pp. 76-80)

30 April 1895

CLAY gained from GREENE. Act passed 20 April 1895; took effect 30 April 1895. (Ark. Acts 1895, 30th sess., no. 157/pp. 244-248)

15 March 1897

SEVIER gained from HOWARD. (Ark. Acts 1897, 31st sess., no. 44/pp. 56-57)

29 April 1901

LAFAYETTE gained from COLUMBIA. (Ark. Acts 1901, 33d sess., no. 135/pp. 240-241)

23 May 1901

POLK gained from SCOTT. (Ark. Acts 1901, 33d sess., no. 178/pp. 332-333)

02 March 1903

LOGAN gained from SCOTT. (Ark. Acts 1903, 34th sess., no. 45/pp. 74-78)

14 March 1905

SEBASTIAN gained approximately 130 acres from Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) along the Poteau River when the U.S. Congress changed the western boundary of Arkansas. Congressional act was approved 10 February 1905 [too small to map]. (Ark. Acts 1905, 35th sess., nos. 41, 87/pp. 124-125, 212-213; Morris, Goins, and McReynolds, 61; U.S. Stat., vol. 33, ch. 571[1905]/pp. 714-715; Van Zandt, 120)

04 May 1907

LONOKE exchanged with PULASKI. (Ark. Acts 1907, 36th sess., no. 255/pp. 593-596)

17 February 1915

PULASKI gained from SALINE. (Ark. Acts 1915, 40th sess., no. 61/pp. 203-205)

30 March 1915

Boundary between LITTLE RIVER and MILLER was adjusted in range 27 west to accommodate shifts in the Red River [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1915, 40th sess., no. 302/pp. 1215-1216)

23 February 1917

GARLAND gained from MONTGOMERY. (Ark. Acts 1917, 41st sess., no. 120/pp. 634-635)

21 March 1917

LAWRENCE gained small area from SHARP. (Ark. Acts 1917, 41st sess., no. 274/p. 1455)

24 March 1917

SHARP gained small area from LAWRENCE. (Ark. Acts 1917, 41st sess., no. 314/p. 1634)

02 January 1922

LOGAN exchanged with YELL when a portion of the boundary was placed on public land survey lines. County courts in both counties agreed to the new line as surveyed jointly by the two county surveyors. (Logan County Court, Danville District, vol. L, pp. 262-263; Correspondence, Kay Tanner, Logan Co. Assessor, August 2006)

22 March 1923

ASHLEY gained small area from BRADLEY along the Saline River in township 16 south, range 9 west when the river shifted course [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1923, 44th sess., no. 602/p. 481)

21 February 1925

MONTGOMERY exchanged with SCOTT when boundary was placed on public land survey lines. (Ark. Acts 1925, 45th sess., no. 100/pp. 306-307)

27 March 1925

DESHA exchanged with LINCOLN. (Ark. Acts 1925, 45th sess., no. 263/pp. 792-794)

02 April 1931

CHICOT gained small area from DESHA. (Ark. Acts 1931, 48th sess., no. 320/p. 1086)

03 March 1941

PERRY gained small area from PULASKI in section 6, township 3 north, range 15 west [too small to map]. (Ark. Acts 1941, 53d sess., no. 103/pp. 218-219)

WHITE gained small area along Cypress Bayou from LONOKE. (Ark. Acts 1941, 53d sess., no. 110/pp. 224-226)

06 March 1957

RANDOLPH gained from CLAY. (Ark. Acts 1957, 61st sess., no. 161/pp. 485-488)

20 March 1965

DESHA gained small area from CHICOT in township 13 south, range 1 west [too small to map]. (Ark. Acts 1965, 65th sess., no. 502/p. 1787)

28 February 1975

LINCOLN gained Sloan Island area from JEFFERSON due to shifts in the course of the Arkansas River [not mapped]. (Ark. Acts 1975, 70th sess., no. 273/pp. 449-453)

25 March 1983

CARROLL gained the Starkey Peninsula from BENTON. (Ark. Acts 1983, 74th sess., no. 806/pp. 1933-1934)

08 March 1991

Boundary between LONOKE and PULASKI was clarified; corrected uncertainty surrounding 7 December 1875 boundary change [no change]. (Ark. Acts 1991, 78th sess., no. 418/pp. 1134-1136)

09 April 1997

BENTON gained from CARROLL along the Beaver Lake take line. (Ark. Acts 1997, 81st sess., no. 1288/pp. 7304-7305)