Tools for training, learning, cataloging…

In addition to Cataloger’s Desktop and Classification Web, both from Library of Congress, here some other online tools we’ve identified as potentially useful to Project Cataloging Assistants  as they work on the project:

AACR2 abbreviations (Yale)
End-of-Field punctuation in MARC (U FL)
MARC format for Bibliographic data (LC)
MARC subfield and punctuation guide (Auburn)
OCLC Bibformats (OCLC)
Order of notes in the MARC record (BYU)

We’ve also added a page for tools to convert between the Gregorian and French Republican calendars:

This link is to the date finder for the French Republican calendar in Wikipedia.  Use it to translate Republican dates to our (Gregorian) calendar.  It is specific to the date, which is great for those years which fell across two Gregorian years.  While the date finder opens in Republican year one, below each month are links to other Republican years.

This calendar converter is a great tool for translating a Gregorian calendar date to a variety of other calendars.  Good if you need to translate a date from our calendar to the Republican calendar.

An even better tool for quickly converting Republican dates to Gregorian and back.  Also includes a short description of the calendar and link to an PDF file with the “name” for each day — think Feast of St. Francis, but agrarian instead.

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