
Exhibition Catalog

Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend Clark Hulse
University of Illinois Press, 2003

The legends that have grown up around Queen Elizabeth I are fascinating, but as this book shows, the truth is just as remarkable.

Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend, published in conjunction with exhibitions organized by the Newberry Library and the American Library Association, contains more than a hundred photographs of books, manuscripts, maps, letters, paintings, clothing, furniture, and artifacts dating from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Each of these objects tells a story, and Clark Hulse uses them as a starting point for a broad and thorough examination of Elizabeth and the society in which she lived.

Hulse includes discussions of topics such as the education of Tudor women; markers of identity; portraits of Elizabeth; the queen's speaking style; her interest in America; music at the Tudor court; and literary depictions of Elizabeth by Shakespeare, Spenser, and other poets.

Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend is available at your bookseller or at the University of Illinois Press.

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